Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Want some nuts?!

Time for an update I presume. It's been a few days. Not a whole lot has really was my last day of in class training and I'm so scared! I have to answer phone calls tomorrow! What if I fuck up royally?!?! I'm so frightened. Apparently most people end up puking a lot on their first day...I don't wanna puke. I don't like puking. I went over to Holly's lastnight and we had soup for dinner, then Sacha and Andrea came over and we had Girl Time. It was fun, we chatted lots and made plans to start our own bible study. I'm really looking forward to it, I've never done one before. I got home from Holly's and went straight to bed. Got up and then went to work. It was kinda blah day at work but definately had it's good times. Some of the highlights were:

Lindsay: "Jordan can I have some more nuts?" (he had sun flower seeds...)
then Matt: "you want some nuts?!?" *thrusting*
(About 5 minutes later) Me: "Can I have some sunflower seeds?"
*Jordan hands me some*
Matt: "how does it feel to be holding Jordan's nuts?"
Me: "They're really tiny but plentiful"

lmao oh man that was so good and Sarah totally missed all of it. I feel so sorry for Jordan's gf sometimes haha. One of my favorite moments was probably Matt walking straight into the Bootlegger wall/window. I think I almost died laughing. There was also Sarah and I refusing to let people back in the class without getting a massage first so Aaryn gave me a 15 minute massage during last break and Les came in and "massaged" my arm with his bald head and then compaired it to a sperm trying to enter an egg. Oh how I love Les lol. Today was a good day.

Now for the ventage about something totally unrelated to work. I don't understand how someone can appologize on a blog and then expect to get a response and have everything ok? I really don't get it...a phone call...and email...ANYTHING would be better than that. But that's just me. I realized today that I really only have one friend from highschool left that I hangout with and that's Andrea. Maybe I was never really as close as I thought to certain people...especially since certain ones come to hangout with my sister now instead. Good times. Hmm I just dunno what's gunna happen. Erin might be coming up for a visit this weekend which is exciting, people will probably get together..I'm just not too sure who. I need to get ahold of Geoff to find out if he's still having a b-day bash at his place cause that'd be totally awesome. I dunno if I'll ever get Alex to go but I'm damn well gunna try. As for me, I am now going to go and rock out to some music and then have a nap. See ya'll later!


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't have any friends left, maybe it's a problem with you. Stop assuming it's everyone else.

At 5:31 PM, Blogger No One's Home said...

I never said I don't have friends left, I've just grown away from the ones from highschool. I've got plenty of friends.


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