Friday, November 25, 2005

My Hair's All Gone!

I cut all of my hair off!!! Whoohooo! I love it so much. I didn't exactly cut it ALL off but about 4-5 inches, it's pretty awesome and makes me very happy. Thank you Andrea for making me do it! I've been in such a great mood lately and I'm loving it!

So yesterday I went to the Dr's and he said that I'm on the mend and should be 100% very soon. Then I went and did some contact work with Andrea and Holly at Welly and visited people. After that Andrea, Jesslyn and I went and got some subway and chatted, then Jesslyn went back to school. Andrea and I ended up heading to the mall where I ended up getting my hair all chopped off. After that we went to Liquidation World so that I could show my mom and then we came back her/to Andrea's and got ready for club. Went to YL for about 5 and it went pretty well...the kids seemed to have fun but it kept seeming like things just weren't as good as they really could be. Nothing went really badly but nothing went amazingly. After club was over people drove kids home and then Andrea, Jason, Steven and I decided to go to Boston Pizza for dessert and it was a tonne of fun. Many laughs were had and a good time was had by all. I got home at about 11:45pm and then went to bed about 1am.

Now as for today, I'm chillin' at home, cleaning and doing laundry. Right now I'm just kinda listening to music and enjoying my little bit of alone time. Crysta and Sam will be home soon, then Meagan and her mom are picking Sam up cause she's going to Duncan for the weekend. I may or may not go out and do something this evening, depends on if Jason finds something to do and other people to hangout with.

Tomorrow's going to be so scary! Ok so here's the deal. There's a big benefit banquet for YL tomorrow night and all of the donors and such are going to be there. Holly, Alastair, Jason, Steven and I are all doing a skit called "I'm glad I'm a Young Life leader" and it's really hillarious but I'm so scared I'm gunna screw up! lol I'm sure it'll be ok but it's slightly nerve racking performing for a bunch of rich, important people. Jason has to wear a tutu mwhahaha. so ya, scariness!

For all those who don't know, my birthday party is on the 9th! We're going bowling, then to dinner at MGM for when Andrea gets off of work around 9pm and then to the Press Room. I've heard it's the only decent dance club in town. If anyone knows of a better one let me know. So that's very exciting, I'm so excited, lots of people are coming...I think that a lot of the old gang will be there. Makes me happy. Even Erin's probably coming up from Victoria! Yay! Haha anyways...enough about that, I should probably get going ta ta for now.


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