Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Venting and Birthday Excitement!

Holy fucking hell. Is this self pity month or what? Sure as hell seems that way! It seems as though everyone I talk to or every blog I read is all "poor me...no one likes me anymore...my friends all realized I'm an ass hole and I'm too prideful to actually go and appologize to them." Seriously people, what is wrong with you!?!?! I've had my fair share of bullshit lately but I've been sucking it up...been really sick and injured yet I've still fullfilled all of my responsibilities and dealt with it.

I really hope that a certain someone is reading this because I really need to tell her to 'get over it'! I'm sorry...but you expect me to forgive you for the horrible way you treated me, just because you appologized on your blog. Sorry, not gunna happen. You could email, msn, call, come over...any meathod of communication that might be SLIGHTLY more personal than that. You say that all your friends turned into assholes but maybe it's just YOU. I'm sure that every person you ever knew or was friends with didn't instantly have a stick shoved up their ass.

And what's with people claiming to be 'ditched' or 'avoided' just because people already have other plans? We're not 5 anymore people. I go home early from YL on thursday because I'm sick and someone gets totally pissed off at me because I didn't go to McDonalds and talk to them.

That felt good. I'm sorry, but it did. As for other news, I quit my job lastnight because I'm unable to do it due to health issues and working there is just making me sicker. I'm quite happy with my decision and I'm sure I'll find another job soon enough. I'm going over to Holly's tonight with Andrea and Sacha for our mini bible study that I'm very excited about. The boys feel left out which I feel bad about but I think we're going to hangout with them after words. Should be tonnes of fun.

My birthday is in about 2.5 weeks and I'm really excited, hopefully gunna go out and party it up...I know that lots of people want to lol. Whoohoo, can't wait! I'm almost 19 *dances*.

I haven't seen Megan in forever! and Megan, if you're reading this I miss you! lol We must hangout very soon...go for dinner or something. Call me and let me know when you're free. Well that's about all for today, I still haven't gotten dressed and I should probably do that. I also need to finish up a couple of things around the house before I go out for the evening. Ta ta for now.


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