Friday, March 31, 2006


Bloodtests taken...3 hours in the emergency room...more blood taken....still no answers. All the blood tests came back showed elevated levels of some protein but all that proves is that there's something wrong with me..still no idea what. My doctor has decided to just wait for now and pretty much see what happens next...whether it starts to go away or I develop any new symptoms. I was supposed to work tonight but Chris said that I don't have to so I'm not..I'll probably go back to bed soon, I only woke up cause I was gunna get ready for work. Now I don't have to! Yay! haha so I'm just sitting, talking to J for a few minutes and helping Sam figure out her outfit for her partying tonight. Besides that shiat, absolutely nothing is new with me..I'm really lonely cause I haven't seen any friends in forever...well I saw Andrea for 2 minutes yesterday when she came to pick up some song lyrics and chords from me for YL..and Holly for 2 minutes when she came and brough me flowers before club :) I love Holly..I don't think anyone's brought me flowers before! and they're so cute so they're safe in my bedroom on a shelf where my cats can't eat them. Apparently YL was awesome lastnight, tonnes of kids and I'm sad that I missed it but really glad it was so good. Well I think that's all I've got to say today..come visit me! Please!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Update time! and not really a whole lot to update on...I've been working a bit, it's been good times...other than that just hanging out..been really sick. I went to the doctors today and am being tested for Strep, Mono and Hepititus and I'm really scared that it's Hepititus...I should find out by friday. I've been really on edge lately..mostly because of not feeling well, partially pmsing and partially just frustration with a lot of things and people lately. I dunno..just blah. I should head off to bed soon though..hopefully I'll be ok for work tomorrow..I called my boss and asked if she wanted me to come in even though I may be contageous and she said that if I'm feeling ok to come in but that it's not a huge deal if I can't. I'll go in, hopefully it won't end up being a long shift or anything. Well I'll see ya all later...give me a call if you wanna chat

Saturday, March 25, 2006

So Much Fun..So Much TIREDNESS!

Oh man...soooo tired! It's been a really good week over the job at Dominos on Monday, started work on Wednesday night..did a 2 hour shift that was kinda boring but alright. Thursday was devoted to getting my Mexico pics developed, doing errands with my dad and Young Life. YL was awesome this week, I had a lot of energy and it was just an overall blast. Sonya came over to my house after school and went to club early with me which was sweet. She's awesome. Umm club was long..and then we had a long leaders meeting after which was fun. Got home at like 11 something...then yesterday, what did I do yesterday...nothing really all day until we went out lastnight.

It was Erin's birthday about two weeks ago and so he came up from Victoria lastnight so that we could party it up. A bunch of people cancelled and some just didn't show up but it was fun anyways. We had dinner at the Modern Cafe down town which was pretty sweet but really expensive. Then we tried to get ahold of Tasha and Alex to see if they were coming but Tasha got stuck at work so we drove around for a while waiting for Alex to call back. He finally did and we decided to all meet at the MGM where we had some drinks and such, met a really funny waitress named Amanda. She's really cool and we enjoyed ourselves. Then Crysta and Shawn headed home and Erin, Jason, Alex, Chelsea and I headed to the Griz for a little bit. I swear half our grad class was there...we drank and danced for a while until Erin and Alex got bored and wanted to leave. So, we headed back to the MGM haha. We had some food and lots of water and just hungout till after 1am. Then went home. It was pretty good times..Chelsea, Jason and I didn't wanna leave the Griz but since it was kinda for Erin's bday we decided we'd do what he wanted haha.

So I wake up at 7am and was wide awake and said to myself "hell no, I need more sleep than this!" so I went back to sleep until 10:30am, got up...Sacha phoned like 10 minutes later and was like "you still wanna come swimming?! we'll be there in 15 minutes!" so I had to run around, get dressed, unload and load the dishwasher and get my swimming stuff together in 15 minutes...all while being totally exausted from lastnight. It was totally worth it though. We took Ty (Sacha's nephew) swimming for the very first time ever. It was so cute! He didn't like the water at first and cried but he quickly began to love it. It was a lot of fun and Nina took pictures. Now I'm home and showered and really tired but having to go to work in like an hour and a half...woot so not excited! blah.

But that's about all for now...possibly going to play pool after work tonight, let me know if you wanna come. Peace out!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Absolutely Amazing Spring Break In Mexico

HOLA!!! Wow it's been way too long!!!! Well almost two weeks. I got back from Mexico on Sunday afternoon and have pretty much just been hanging out, decorating my new bedroom and relaxing since then. I got a job lastnight though! At Dominos Pizza which may be a little weird since it's right next door to Stock Exchangers but I guess I'll deal haha.

As for Mexico! It totally rocked, had a complete blast...there were a few hiccupps but nothing too bad. It's really amazing to see how people not that far away can live so much differently from us and how much we really take for granted. That's the main thing I've been thinking about since I got's astonishing how different our lives are from theirs and just blows me away how Mexico is so close to one of the wealthiest countries in the world yet so very little is done to help them.

Definate good times were had however, like Mexican Dirt, the soap opera we created about certain Mexico romances lol then there's Liz's one week mission to find Dip and Dots...the Stucco fights and A LOT of singing haha. I really bonded with the girls and it was an amazing experience. But now, I must depart because I have to go do some errands with my mom. Gunna do some grocery shopping and pick up some pants that I can wear to work tomorrow. I will fill you guys in on some more Mexico stories later, ciao!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ummm I'm Drawing A Blank On A Name For This Post...

Another day, another post. It's actually been a little while since I posted on here, figured it was time for an update. My life as of lately has definately had it's ups and downs. I've been spending more time with my family during the day and been over at the guys' place every evening. Lastnight J and I had a much over due conversation...He told me he just wants to be friends so I told him that we had to set boundaries because I didn't like how things were going. It was like we were going out but we weren't and I told him that if I were going to get over my feelings for him we had to change the way we were around eachother. I saw us going down a path that I've been down too many times before and I didn't wanna go there again and I explained that to him. We had a really good talk, I don't know if he really understood where I was coming from on some of it but I think everything's ok now. He asked if this meant we couldn't be friends anymore and I tried to convince him that I'm not just going to throw our friendship away over this but I don't know if he believes me..

On another note, things have been getting a lot better at home...things are good with my mom except she doesn't really like that I've been out so late so much lately. Shawn barely speaks to me at all...I'm lucky if I get a hello out of him.

Oh ya, don't make plans for the night of the 24th anyone! We're going kareoking! Whoohoo! lol I'm pretty excited about this, still have yet to find out for sure where they have kareoke and if they'll have it that night lol but we're planning on it. Mexico in 5 days!!! It's insane, I can't believe it's coming up so quickly! I'm so incredibly excited. I'm really looking forward to it, I just really hope that I don't get sick. I'm also really glad that J and I got all of that out of the way before Mexico cause I'm going to be able to enjoy myself a lot more without worrying about that kind of stuff.

Well I think that's pretty much all I had to talk about, all that's really new with me. I'm gunna go and finish chatting on msn then watch some tv or something. Hopefully Sacha calls me after work and wants to hangout! Bye all