Saturday, March 25, 2006

So Much Fun..So Much TIREDNESS!

Oh man...soooo tired! It's been a really good week over the job at Dominos on Monday, started work on Wednesday night..did a 2 hour shift that was kinda boring but alright. Thursday was devoted to getting my Mexico pics developed, doing errands with my dad and Young Life. YL was awesome this week, I had a lot of energy and it was just an overall blast. Sonya came over to my house after school and went to club early with me which was sweet. She's awesome. Umm club was long..and then we had a long leaders meeting after which was fun. Got home at like 11 something...then yesterday, what did I do yesterday...nothing really all day until we went out lastnight.

It was Erin's birthday about two weeks ago and so he came up from Victoria lastnight so that we could party it up. A bunch of people cancelled and some just didn't show up but it was fun anyways. We had dinner at the Modern Cafe down town which was pretty sweet but really expensive. Then we tried to get ahold of Tasha and Alex to see if they were coming but Tasha got stuck at work so we drove around for a while waiting for Alex to call back. He finally did and we decided to all meet at the MGM where we had some drinks and such, met a really funny waitress named Amanda. She's really cool and we enjoyed ourselves. Then Crysta and Shawn headed home and Erin, Jason, Alex, Chelsea and I headed to the Griz for a little bit. I swear half our grad class was there...we drank and danced for a while until Erin and Alex got bored and wanted to leave. So, we headed back to the MGM haha. We had some food and lots of water and just hungout till after 1am. Then went home. It was pretty good times..Chelsea, Jason and I didn't wanna leave the Griz but since it was kinda for Erin's bday we decided we'd do what he wanted haha.

So I wake up at 7am and was wide awake and said to myself "hell no, I need more sleep than this!" so I went back to sleep until 10:30am, got up...Sacha phoned like 10 minutes later and was like "you still wanna come swimming?! we'll be there in 15 minutes!" so I had to run around, get dressed, unload and load the dishwasher and get my swimming stuff together in 15 minutes...all while being totally exausted from lastnight. It was totally worth it though. We took Ty (Sacha's nephew) swimming for the very first time ever. It was so cute! He didn't like the water at first and cried but he quickly began to love it. It was a lot of fun and Nina took pictures. Now I'm home and showered and really tired but having to go to work in like an hour and a half...woot so not excited! blah.

But that's about all for now...possibly going to play pool after work tonight, let me know if you wanna come. Peace out!


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