Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Absolutely Amazing Spring Break In Mexico

HOLA!!! Wow it's been way too long!!!! Well almost two weeks. I got back from Mexico on Sunday afternoon and have pretty much just been hanging out, decorating my new bedroom and relaxing since then. I got a job lastnight though! At Dominos Pizza which may be a little weird since it's right next door to Stock Exchangers but I guess I'll deal haha.

As for Mexico! It totally rocked, had a complete blast...there were a few hiccupps but nothing too bad. It's really amazing to see how people not that far away can live so much differently from us and how much we really take for granted. That's the main thing I've been thinking about since I got bad...it's astonishing how different our lives are from theirs and just blows me away how Mexico is so close to one of the wealthiest countries in the world yet so very little is done to help them.

Definate good times were had however, like Mexican Dirt, the soap opera we created about certain Mexico romances lol then there's Liz's one week mission to find Dip and Dots...the Stucco fights and A LOT of singing haha. I really bonded with the girls and it was an amazing experience. But now, I must depart because I have to go do some errands with my mom. Gunna do some grocery shopping and pick up some pants that I can wear to work tomorrow. I will fill you guys in on some more Mexico stories later, ciao!


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