Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Update time! and not really a whole lot to update on...I've been working a bit, it's been good times...other than that just hanging out..been really sick. I went to the doctors today and am being tested for Strep, Mono and Hepititus and I'm really scared that it's Hepititus...I should find out by friday. I've been really on edge lately..mostly because of not feeling well, partially pmsing and partially just frustration with a lot of things and people lately. I dunno..just blah. I should head off to bed soon though..hopefully I'll be ok for work tomorrow..I called my boss and asked if she wanted me to come in even though I may be contageous and she said that if I'm feeling ok to come in but that it's not a huge deal if I can't. I'll go in, hopefully it won't end up being a long shift or anything. Well I'll see ya all later...give me a call if you wanna chat


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