Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Woot for not walking. So ya, yesterday sucked major ass. I was babysitting Savannah for a bit while Heather shoveled the driveway and she started crying so I went to take her to the door so she could see that her mom was still there but as I stepped off of the first step I lost my footing and ended up falling on my back all the way down the stairs. I was doing everything I possibly could to make sure that Savannah was ok (which she was) but in the mean time I really hurt myself. Virginia got to my house about 10 minutes later cause we were supposed to hangout and instead she insisted on us phoning Jason to take us to the ER. We get there and about 4.5 hours later, after about a hundred x-rays of my neck and lower back, being put in a neck brace and almost passing out about 10 times they finally let me go home. My dad had shown up about half way through and so he took me to my house to get some clothes and then made me come back here to my parent's house to spend the night so that I wouldn't be alone. I also hadn't heard back about the liver test and such which my parents were slightly concerned about. There's no breaks or internal damage as far as we know. The doctor thinks that I've bruised the bones and done soft tissue damage to the base of my neck, my lower lumbar and tailbone as well as my ribs. My hips feel like I was run over by a semi truck and I can barely walk. So if anyone wants to come visit me I would definately be up for a friendly face amongst all the drama that has ensued around Tracy and Brenden since i got here. Oh ya...I payed for Brenden's bus ticket to his court hearing in Courtney but apparently he just had to send his lawyer so him and his buddy Jesse decided to use the bus ticket to come to Nanaimo and crash at my parent's house for the past three days. Woot woot.

So in good new, there's only 9 days till my birthday and I'm pretty stoked about my birthday party. I better damn well be able to party by then. Well this chair is killing me slowly so i must depart. Please come visit me...I'm at my parents, I need sanity. See ya.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow...One Woman's Joy...Another Woman's Arch Nemesis

Tasha is oh man lastnight/this morning VERY eventful. So Tasha picked me up at about 11pm lastnight and we headed over to Rachael's to pick her up and then go to 70 Below. We got there just before 12 and started partaying it up. We stayed till just after close at 2am and then drove Rachael home. Emerson came with us cause him and Tasha were going to head over to some girl's house and so we go up College dr. and my entire street is snowed in so they drop me off and I walk to my house (my umbrella was snowing..bad bad experience) then I get to the's locked. I realize that I left my keys at home cause I didn't want to take them to the bar and I'm locked out. fuck. so I try calling Heather, I text answer. Her phone was turned off. So I call Tasha and get them to come back for I walk back down the hill and wait for them to pick me up. I ended up getting Tasha to drop me off at her house and went to attempt to get some sleep in her bed because I was supposed to work at noon. Yes, supposed. She got home sometime in the morning and then we got up at nine to drive to my house so I could get ready for work, but when we got outside and into her car it was basically snowed in. We drove it down to the end of her dead end street and then it just stopped moving. Her grandpa came out and tried to help such luck...all of her neighbors watched and laughed at our pain and so we (being the stubborn and determined young women we are) decided to basically shovel the entire freaking street in an attempt to get ourselves out and exactly 2 hours and 16 minutes later we succeeded. oh we succeeded in deed. So we drove Tasha's very doubtful and unbelieving mother to work and then went to my parent's house where I got ready for work and Tasha napped on the floor with the cats. I eventually got to work..about 20 minutes late, only to find out that they'd left a message on my very dead cell phone telling me not to bother coming in today. Luckily my sister, Shawn and Tracy were on their way to the mall to do some shopping so I met up with them and spent a wonderfully long day clothes shopping with Tracy. She boughts me a shit load of clothes as an early birthday present and i'm totally stoked about them. Now I'm at my parent's house, spending the night here cause I didn't want to make anyone try to brave college heights in the snow. Kinda feeling sick, really glad I have the next two days off. Well that's about all for now, I'll try to update more often but since I don't have a comp at my house it's kind of hard. I'm thinking about going to a rent to own place and seeing about renting to own one hehe. Could be a bad idea, we'll see! If anyone knows more about those places please let me know.

PS. My birthday partay is scheduled for the night of December the 9th for anyone wanting to join in an evening of hillarious drunkin entertainment, Glow bowling and highclass dining. Give me a call if you wish to come and you're welcome to bring people, the more the merrier as I like to say.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Been A While

Ok so I figured that since it's been an extremely long time since I updated that I should probably do so while I actually have the opportunity to use a computer. Sacha's computer at my house is broken and so I'm at my parent's house. The past week or two has kind of sucked, I've been really depressed and been having a hard time getting motivated to get up in the morning. Work has been really bad...I want to quit but I can't because I can't afford to live on my own and be I'm looking for another job and sucking it up in the mean time.

The dreaded Dr's appointment was this morning...Holly took me because I had no other way to get there or back. It wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting but still awkward completely divulging personal information to a complete stranger. The one friend that I thought would be there for me through all of this really hasn't been. Actually she hasn't even bothered to call me once. Haven't talked to her in over a so ya. I've decided that I can't put effort into a friendship that the other person doesn't seem to want to have anymore. I can't take the constant let down. So, until said person decideds that friendships are worth working for, I'm not doing it.

In other news, Sacha, Shayna and Cara have all been amazingly supportive and I love them to death for it. Sacha bought me flowers the other day...Cara brought me cookies to work lol and Shayna cried through Brothers and Sisters over the phone with me. Haha I love that show. So to you guys thank you so much for everything..I love you all so much.

That's about all that's new. I've got today and tomorrow off with no plans as of yet so if anyone's up for coffee or something let me know. Peace out!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pole Dancer In A Previous Life?

Wow so it's been a rather eventful week or so...well really just since Saturday. It's been full of many many firsts and if you were there you know what I mean. Umm ya, my sister's boss told her that he thinks I was a stripper in a previous life..good times. I think I need to stop going to the gay bar lol jk! I love it way too friggen much for that. We totally partied it up on Saturday night, Tasha won the costume contest, tonnes of dancing, good times...didn't sleep a wink that night, got up for work the next day. Worked, felt like crap..umm then lastnight Ashley had a halloween party so Cara and I decided we were going to get the stuff for porn stars. Cara drops an entire 26 of Sour Puss on the cement and we have to buy a new one...we drank ALL of the alcohol...that's 2...26s people. Between the two of about 5 or 6 jello shooters each and an armaretto and milk. How the fuck was I not hungover when I got up at 9am this morning!?

Anyways...enough about my horrible rebelious, partying ways...I went for "coffee" with Joanna today which quickly turned into, coffee, tea, calamari and nachos....and the bar tender talking about cleavage. Good times, we exchanged embarrassing stories about our friends trying to get involved in our love lifes. Alyssa on saturday was right up there haha um I love Joanna lol but in a strictly plutonic way.

So I think that's enough of me sharing without really sharing and i'm going to go hangout with my mom now...see ya!