Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pole Dancer In A Previous Life?

Wow so it's been a rather eventful week or so...well really just since Saturday. It's been full of many many firsts and if you were there you know what I mean. Umm ya, my sister's boss told her that he thinks I was a stripper in a previous life..good times. I think I need to stop going to the gay bar lol jk! I love it way too friggen much for that. We totally partied it up on Saturday night, Tasha won the costume contest, tonnes of dancing, good times...didn't sleep a wink that night, got up for work the next day. Worked, felt like crap..umm then lastnight Ashley had a halloween party so Cara and I decided we were going to get the stuff for porn stars. Cara drops an entire 26 of Sour Puss on the cement and we have to buy a new one...we drank ALL of the alcohol...that's 2...26s people. Between the two of about 5 or 6 jello shooters each and an armaretto and milk. How the fuck was I not hungover when I got up at 9am this morning!?

Anyways...enough about my horrible rebelious, partying ways...I went for "coffee" with Joanna today which quickly turned into, coffee, tea, calamari and nachos....and the bar tender talking about cleavage. Good times, we exchanged embarrassing stories about our friends trying to get involved in our love lifes. Alyssa on saturday was right up there haha um I love Joanna lol but in a strictly plutonic way.

So I think that's enough of me sharing without really sharing and i'm going to go hangout with my mom now...see ya!


At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brothers and Sisters makes me cry...
I'm sorry for making you sad last night
I think you should update this thing...



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