Monday, November 20, 2006

Been A While

Ok so I figured that since it's been an extremely long time since I updated that I should probably do so while I actually have the opportunity to use a computer. Sacha's computer at my house is broken and so I'm at my parent's house. The past week or two has kind of sucked, I've been really depressed and been having a hard time getting motivated to get up in the morning. Work has been really bad...I want to quit but I can't because I can't afford to live on my own and be I'm looking for another job and sucking it up in the mean time.

The dreaded Dr's appointment was this morning...Holly took me because I had no other way to get there or back. It wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting but still awkward completely divulging personal information to a complete stranger. The one friend that I thought would be there for me through all of this really hasn't been. Actually she hasn't even bothered to call me once. Haven't talked to her in over a so ya. I've decided that I can't put effort into a friendship that the other person doesn't seem to want to have anymore. I can't take the constant let down. So, until said person decideds that friendships are worth working for, I'm not doing it.

In other news, Sacha, Shayna and Cara have all been amazingly supportive and I love them to death for it. Sacha bought me flowers the other day...Cara brought me cookies to work lol and Shayna cried through Brothers and Sisters over the phone with me. Haha I love that show. So to you guys thank you so much for everything..I love you all so much.

That's about all that's new. I've got today and tomorrow off with no plans as of yet so if anyone's up for coffee or something let me know. Peace out!


At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cry so damn easy...maybe it has to do with my being emo, lol

Well, back to being sick!


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