Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Week In Recap

It's been a little while so I guess that I'm due for an update. Things have been going pretty's been great. I got my keys to the store and am now the official third key. I get to open and close tell people what to do lol although that's not really me. Wednesday night was Steph's birthday...she used to work for our company but recently left to go to RW and so we all showed up at her place and surprised her, had a few drinks and then headed down to 70 below. It was kareoke night and we were all very drunk. It was an absolute blast...Geoff and Drew were both there aswell as Alleah and Jordan Davies and some other people. The best songs sang were If I Had A Million Dollars (Geoff and Drew) The Time Warp by I'm not really sure who...I was outside with everyone while they had a smoke break so I had to Time Warp on the side of the road....Sweet Transvestite, and some Spice Girls haha The manager and another guy from RW sang Picture by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock and we all sang along with them...and then we decided to sing Friends In Low Places for Steph and didn't realize till after we were done that she wasn't even in the room. Cara had to take off back to the Cambie and a bunch of the girls were hungry so they took off to Timmy's but Ashley and I weren't done dancing and hanging out with Will (guy from Vancouver) and cute boy who's name we never found out. So, we stayed until closing...hungout with Will who was really cute but I'm pretty sure he was just hoping at the prospect of getting two girls and wanted us to go to a party with him but we didn't. We decided to walk to Timmy's where we chatted with the guys about the drunks and crack heads that go into the store at that time of night. Then I crashed on Ashley's couch and had to get up at 7:30am because she had to work at 9am.

I got home, went to Wellington to do contact work with Holly, came home still very hungover...went to bed for a up and went to the KGB run. Virginia and I were stuck sitting in the cold at Uplands Elementary for 2 hours manning the watering pit stop and then they forgot Colin had to come get us and take us back. Hungout with Jason and Colin for a bit and came home at 11pm. Worked at 9am yesterday and was having a very hard time comprehending anything. And to make it worse about 2 hours into my shift I got sent up to Sterling cause they were short staffed and I ended up spending 4 hours there and then going back to Shoe Warehouse for my last 2 hours. I'm pretty sure I destroyed Sterling about 5 times...I kept knocking everything over and Shawnna was laughing at me. I have bruises EVERYWHERE from running into shit.

Then lastnight I decided to streak my sister had bought to streaking kits and said I could use one. They said for blonde to light brown hair but I figured it would be ok. So Crysta streaks it and I get out of the shower to discover that my hair is orange. Especially my bangs which are pretty much solid orange. I wonder if I can pass it off as being excited about Halloween? I dunno...all I know is that I'm going to the Black Eyed Peas Concert and wandering around Victoria today with orange hair. I think that Tracy might be on her way to come to Nanaimo today, not too sure but last we heard Brendan was trying to insure some car of his so that he can drive her up. I've pretty much given up trying to figure out what's happening because it changes too damn frequently.

In other news...I'm moving out soon! Hopefully this weekend but now I have to work on sunday and I'm not sure what time monday Sacha will be back. I may end up having to move stuff in the evenings after work and then moving myself in next weekend after Holly's wedding. We'll see how it goes. I'm so excited though. Freedom at last. It'll be great.

Well that's all for now...oh ps. Apparently I'm an acoholic according to some of my friends...what do you guys think? I don't think I am...I only go out like once a week-every two weeks or something like that. But I must depart so that I can get ready to head to Vic. See ya'll all ya guys.


At 2:13 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

you're not an alcoholic but i could name you a few people that are hahaha


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