Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm On My Own...and Living In A World Alone..Gets Better Everyday, That I Don't Have To Say, I'm Sorry I'm Coming Home.

Yesterday was officially my first day being moved out of my parent's's kinda scary but very exciting and I know I'm gunna have a blast. I just wish I'd get healthy for crying out loud! I'm going crazy...but it's back to work tomorrow. This weekend was fairly eventful..Saturday was Holly's wedding so Jason and I left at 10am and picked up Sara, who's from Saskatchewan and was going to the wedding but needed a the three of us headed on our adventure to Victoria where I proceeded to make sure we didn't get lost and we ended up being like 2 hours we got some Timmy's and then went to Canadian Tire and bought candy. The wedding was beautiful...everything was awesome..then the reception was a couple hours after. It was kinda boring for the first while, but we sang Can You Feel The Love Tonight to Holly and Marcus and all sounded like a bunch of drunkin idiots but it was before any drinking even took place. It got a lot more fun once the dancing started and then near the end when we managed to get all the cute boys from Victoria to dance as well. A large group of cute boys dancing to Stop by the Spice Girls..definately a highlight. Right along with the Cotton Eyed Joe dance which almost killed my lungs but has proved to be an amazing work out for the leg muscles. Sacha and I should start a work out program revolving around that dance lol. Marcus' family introduced everyone to the "Ride the big fat chicken" dance which provided some good laughs.

Got home at about midnight, Brendan and Colin were asleep on the sofa bed (thank god they were asleep) because Colin has a bit of a thing for me and well...I don't have a thing for him but it's a good boost for the ego lol. I've been hit on a lot this weekend haha they left lastnight after I moved out. They said that the only reason they came up this weekend was to see me and were very disappointed to find out that I was barely going to be home. The most they got to see me was yesterday afternoon when I began packing up my crap and blasting Hedley from my bedroom just to wake their lazy ass' up hehe that was fun. Then I packed more...then Sacha came and helped me pack and then we headed out. We went to the grocery store and I bought we bought our first groceries together haha and then we watched endless amounts of Desperate Housewives in an attempt to catch up before the season premier. We failed so Heather had to fill us in as we went. I didn't sleep a whole lot lastnight but I'm excited about being out on my own and you all better come visit me and see my new place. My roomies are all awesome, Eric gets back from Campbell River today...should be fun. Umm ya, but I'm gunna go watch some more Spotlight on Hedley and watch Jacob get his ass tattooed...even though I've seen the tattooed ass personally's still awesome. Hope to see you all soon, love ya tonnes..buhbye


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