Saturday, August 26, 2006

Living My Life No Holds Barred

Life is like a shooting star, it don't matter who you are, if you only run for cover, it's just a waste of time.

That is a line that I plan on living by from now on. I've spent way too much time hiding from my life, not really living it and wondering why I'm going no where. I'm going to start taking chances, making mistakes, and learning how to fail. I've always avoided doing things or being in situations where there's a chance that I may fail at something. Hense my avoidance of college, moving out, ever expressing my feelings to people, lack of relationships etc. I don't wanna be one of those people who never got anywhere in life cause they were too afraid of the what if's.

So that's my realization as of late...I haven't really done a whole lot...been working tonnes as usual...went and saw Beerfest lastnight with Sacha, Will, Will, Josh, Erica and Nena. It was pretty funny, had some good times...pretty sure everyone in the theatre was either drunk before hand or getting drunk during the movie. Everytime it went quiet you could hear the clanging of beer bottles on the cement floor. Today I got up, my sis and dad were at work and my mom and Shawn were heading to Victoria. Shortly after they left the guy from Windsor Plywood showed up unexpectedly to drop off the roofing stuff and I had to deal with it, having NO clue what was going on or anything about roofing. The delivery guy was pretty hot though haha. After that, Sacha and Will showed up to pick me up and borrow my dad's truck so that we could move some of Sacha and Nena's furniture from their house to the house that we're moving into. (The guys house currently) We did a few trips and then got some dinner and treats-a-pizza, did another and then crashed on the couches for a few minutes. Apparently the guys didn't realize till today that I had a tattoo, never mind two of them. They didn't believe that I've had the Let It Be one for over a year. I guess my hair used to cover it? I did get a lot chopped off. I got home...bathed because of all the dirt and dust from the furniture and then I began designing a tattoo for Sacha. I'm pretty happy about how it turned out, I really hope she likes it.

Now that my eyes feel completely crossed from stairing at a piece of paper and drawing for almost 3 hours...I really wish I had somethin to do. It's a saturday night and I'm sittin at home...wishing someone would come online so that we could talk about something...anything. Well that's all folks, see ya!


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