Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Don't Think I've Ever Been This Tired....Of Life...

woot Tattoo yesterday...I love it but I know I'd be more excited if I weren't so fucking tired. Here's how yesterday went. I got up, did some chores, double checked I had a ride to B&B, everything was a go, then it wasn't, then it was, then it wasn't..eventually Alex ended up coming and getting me and then we picked up Tasha and he dropped us off at B&B. The tattoo took a while, but Chris showed up part way through and hungout for a while. Russ and Albert (the tattoo artists) were really funny and making fun of certain drug addicts/homeless people and eachother and it was a pretty amusing time. Tasha drove Chris to work and then came back in time for me to be finished. Then we headed to Chapters and did a couple errands and then I came home. Colin and Virginia picked me up a bit later and we headed over to Jason's to wait for him to get off of work. Once he got there we decided to go out for dinner so we went to Boston Pizza but it was too busy so we went to Kelsey's. It was really good, had the best drink was Rum, Blue Curacoa, and lemonade. Virginia had a Twisted Raspberry Lemonade which was also very good. After eating we went down to Swyalana for a little while and hungout, then we went and saw John Tucker Must Die which was a pretty good movie, I'd see it again. Then I went home.

I got home to find out that Tracy had been in a car accident at about 5pm and that her legs were completely crushed under the dashboard. There were three guys in the truck with her, we don't know who they were yet...but there were also her two other pomeranian dogs. The dogs are alright, Tracy's in the hospital..all we really know is that she was in surgery for most of the night. We have no idea how stable her condition or anything is or really what's going on.

So to sum it up, I feel like I was kicked in the chest by a horse, am sleep deprived and worried shitless. If anyone's got an idea as to how to get my mind off of all this I would really apprechiate it. Give me a call. Tasha I need to be kidnapped!


At 2:05 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

sorry, i have absolutely no sympathy for coke addicts. sounds like a fucking retard to me.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wish Tasha on this one. You know my feelings about a certain cokehead who's name rhymes with Randy.

When are we going out?


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