Monday, August 07, 2006

Everything's Looking Up...Except My Emotions! Damn It.

Things are finally starting to calm down a little bit. Well, for the most part...everything except my emotions. Fuck. So we went and saw Tracy in the hospital Saturday night and she was a lot more coherant that I was expecting. She was just like the Tracy I've always known, except that she was on heavy duty pain meds and said she was really crosseyed. She thanked us for taking her Keiko and asked us to take her other two poms but her mom won't let us...cause she's being a bitch. Umm she also told us that she's planning on doing her rehabilitation for her legs here in Nanaimo and that she has a house waiting for her here. She's planning on moving to Nanaimo to get away from the drugs and everyone involved in the drugs which is really awesome. We didn't stay too long at the hospital because she'd had visitors all day and needed to rest so we talked for a few minutes and then headed out. Because we were finished at the hospital so early we decided to go over to Old Navy to see what we could find there. I ended up spending almost $200 on some clothes for me and a sweater for my mom. Damn Visa..never should have gotten that thing.

Other than that things have been kinda boring. I worked yesterday at Reitmans and it was a really good shift, had some fun...danced around the store cause it was really dead..mocked the clothes for a while lol I love working with Meghan and Sara. Got home from work, the exaustion hit me, burst into tears and spent quite some time in my room listening to Hedley. Then Crysta and Shawn left to play mini golf with Alex and Chelsea and my parents went over to a friend's place so I had the house to myself. No one was available to do anything so I watched Big Brother and listened to some music. Haha discovered that a good friend may have met/made out with one of the Dominos boys at a party Saturday night lol Now the mission is to find out for sure whether or not it's the same guy and to thus proceed to hook them up. Tasha..this may need your assistance lol. I love strange coincidences like this, it allows for me to harrass people a lot which I definately enjoy.

As for today, I actually have the day hoping to go out and do something, anything this afternoon or this evening. Tasha! it's been too long, you better phone me so we can do something. Oh plans for operation move in with Sacha are still a go, just not right away. I'm going to wait, give it some more time so that I can really find a good time to tell my mom. Rent's going to be even less than I thought, so I'm stoked about that. I"m just stoked in general. Anyways, I must depart and get my shower so I'll cya all later. Buhbye


At 10:27 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

uh everyone that works at domino's is attached so...


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