Sunday, July 30, 2006

Coke addicts, "rescued" dogs, drunk tanks and caterpillars? the past like 72 hours have been EXTREMELY eventful...where do I start really. Well how about I start on friday. Ok so to start this off I'll explain one thing. My mom has a really good friend named Tracy who lives in Victoria (Mechosin) and has an animal society...she's pretty much an aunt to me and has been more of one than my real ones have ever been. On thursday night her son told my sister that he had moved out and was living with his biological abusive dad because he couldn't live with her anymore cause so much crap was happening...So, my mom had been trying to get ahold of her for quite some time and conversations were constantly only lasting about thirty seconds until friday morning when Tracy picked up the phone and asked that we don't call her because she's gotten into trouble and her phones are tapped. Obviously we get concerned and so friday night we all pile into Shawn's car and head to Mechosin. We get there to find her oldest son who's never in town standing outside with Tracy's mom and some strange people we've never met before. We find out that the strange people were hired to make sure that no one takes anything from the house or vandalizes it (A little too late for that since it says "fuck me" on the front of it in large letters). We're then told by her mom and son that we shouldn't be there, that the spca is coming on monday to seize all the animals and that Tracy's totally hopped up on cocain and that this 22 year old guy that had been staying with her had started selling thousands of dollars worth of drugs out of her house and that the cops are involved and that Tracy's not even living at home, she's going from crack house to crack house and that all their crack buddies and 15 year olds are living in the house. So I start freaking cause my chinchillas live there so we get a cage and get the chins and then Crysta finds one of the pomeranians upstairs locked in a room so they ask us to take her with us and keep her safe for now, so we get out of there as soon as we can. We got home pretty late and pretty afraid that she was going to show up freaking out..but eventually went to bed. The next morning we got a call from her mom saying that she's really mad and will probably show up at some point during the day..and that her truck was involved in a hit and run so there's a warrent out for it and that we'd have to call the cops. I call work to try and get the day off cause I didn't want her showing up there raging on me but my boss says no. Luckily she called me back saying that she got the shift covered for me.

A few hours later Erin calls and he's in town and has no where to go so he comes over and then we head over to Tasha's where we find her and Chris. Tasha just barely awake looking rather disheveld. (pretty sure I spelt that wrong) so she got a shower and we all headed to HMV and then to MGM where Tasha so kindly bought us all lunch (the little brat). Then we stopped in at A&B sound and then Tasha and Chris had to go to work so Erin and I decided to stop in at Geoff's and see what he was up to. After that we just came back here and watched tv and ate some dinner till Alex and Chelsea showed up.

Tracy never ended up showing up but just after dinner my mom got a call saying that one of the volunteers had caught some of our cats so her, Crysta and Shawn headed back to Victoria to pick them up. The four of us headed over to Dominos looking for Tasha and Chris but they weren't there..just everyone else was, so then we went to Chelsea's and then to pick up some beverages and then back here. We convinced my dad to drive us to the sea wall so we went down and sat on the cement step things below the bridge and enjoyed ourselves and then went and played on the playground and walked all along the sea wall. Alex decided that he was a caterpillar and ate like every leaf he could find and somehow convinced Erin to do the same. Eventually Chris called and asked us to meet him at the Globe so we said ok and then Shawn called and said they wanted to join us so we waited at Civic for him and Crysta and then walked up to the Globe where we met up with Chris outside and he forced us to have a group hug...and all highfive him. Then we went inside and met up with Josh and Loren and then eventually Frazer. We went and sat upstairs at a table where we couldn't see the feature presentation and some people had some more drinks and we saw a couple guys from highschool and laughed. After last call we decided to head over to 70 Below but it was pretty lame and the DJ was a dick so we left but somehow we misplaced Erin and Alex and it took us 15 minute to find them laying down in the grass outside the church behind this huge fence just stairing up at the starts. I thought Chelsea was going to strangle Alex lol but it was pretty funny.

Next thing we know we see Chris running up the street screaming at the top of his lungs with a cop chasing after him telling him to stop and lay down on the ground and Josh running behind the cop yelling please don't arrest him, or take me too or something haha and then the cop like grabbed Chris and threw him to the ground and hand cuffed him and was rather harsh and what we thought was unnecessarily forceful. They then put Chris in the police car and Tasha and Alyssa magically appeared...Tasha going "my boyfriend just got arrested! what the hell's going on?!" and then me attempting to explain the situation to her while everyone was trying to hold Josh back and restrain him from joining Chris. After that we all headed back to the cars and I got a ride with Tasha cause there wasn't enough seats in Erin's car with Shawn driving and Crysta there too. So they all took off and we stopped at Lorne's where there were people..and we drove some guy home..and then Tasha got mad at Frazer for joking about being too drunk to drive AFTER he was already home. Got home at about 2am and everyone was already passed out haha got up this morning and everyone was still inebriated. Well just Alex and Erin. They're still sleeping cause they both need to be able to drive today..Erin all the way back to Vic in time to work at 2pm.

As for today I have to work at 2pm and my mom's headed back to Vic to pick up more of the cats and deal with all that. I'm not looking forward to explaining to my boss exactly why it is that I needed yesterday off cause it's a rather interesting story. I'm hoping that Chris' night in the drunk tank wasn't too bad and that some stuff gets sorted out today without too much explosion. I hate seeing things that I feel obligated to tell a friend about cause I don't like having people mad at me and I hate being the cause of people fighting or whatever. But sometimes you can't just ignore stuff. wrist is killing me! (oh ya, I punched a wall a few days ago) so I'll talk to ya'll later, hopefully things calm down!


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