Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Highlights Of My Life....Not

Well, I figured I'm pretty over due for an update on this thing...it's been a while..yet very little has really changed lately. I finally have a day off tomorrow, will be the only day off in two weeks. I went to Rathtrevor Beach with Crysta, Shawn, Alex and Chelsea the other night and met up with Chelsea's parents and had a barbeque and swam in the ocean. It was a lot of fun, good times throwing sea weed at eachother. It's been really nice having Alex and Chelsea around lately, spending some more time with them. I've missed them lots. I haven't really seen anyone else much lately, everyone's been so busy and I've been pretty crabby so it's probably for the best. I don't do too well with heat and well...it's been excrushiating.

I get my tattoo next tuesday and I'm so unbelievably excited. I've been wanting it for so long and now I finally get to have it done. I'm not really sure what's up with people and all wanting to be the center of attention lately..it's just starting to kinda piss me off. Well more just annoy but you know what I mean. It's like everyone's struggling to be the one who gets the most attention from people and the one to do the craziest, out of control thing. I really wish that people could just chill out, be who there and not think about what other people are doing or how other people being themselves is affecting them. I don't really know if that made sense to anyone that's reading this, but basically people just seem to be getting really self centered. Everything's about them and how they can stand out and how other people are making them look. None of this is directed towards anyone in specific so if you're reading this, don't think that I'm aiming it at you. It's more just a general observance that I've made that has become an annoyance to me.

Work was painful and tiring today...I was supposed to be off at 1:30 but a girl phoned in sick so I had to stay until 6pm. I was stuck in the fitting rooms the entire time and it was freaking busy. For the first 4 hours of my shift there was only 2 of us working so that was hard, and then even when 2 other people got there they didn't even give me much help with all the clothes that had to be put back on the floor. At one point there were 3 entire clothes racks completely full of stuff people had tried on. I finally got off of work and my dad wasn't there to pick me up yet so I went to get an ice tea and about two minutes after I got it, I dropped it on the cement and the bottle shattered all over my feet. (It was glass). So I picked up as much as I could because I just invisioned some kid falling and getting scratched to crap by all the broken glass. Then my dad got there and he had to get some stuff from Walmart so I STILL didn't get to go home. Finally got home at like 6:45pm (now in a really bad mood) to find my mom in probably an equally bad mood if not worse and strange neighbor girls in my pool. So, my desire to go for a swim was quickly shattered to pieces like my ice tea bottle and I gave up on actually enjoying my evening.

Tomorrow I have the day off which is amazing and I wish so badly that I could sleep in but I know damn well that I won't be able to. I also have to try and deal with work schedules at SW cause I didn't have a chance to get there today. On top of everything going on lately, I've been feeling really ill. I'll be fine one minute and then so nausious that all I can do is curl up in a ball and try to fall asleep the next. I've been getting really bad migrains...the other night I had the worst one I've EVER had in my entire life and I've had a lot of really bad migrains. It was after the beach, just before I went to bed. I ended up in a ball on my bed bawling my eyes out trying to block any light whatsoever from reaching my eyes and trying to stop any and all sound..including the small fan cooling my room down and the wind chime in the back yard. I never got to shut the wind chime up but I eventually managed to fall asleep and wake the next morning extremely surprised that the pain was gone.

That's about everything that's going on with me lately, if anyone wants to do something tomorrow I'm definately up for it. I could use a little bit of fun. Oh, for anyone wanting to know..Erin's coming up on friday and there will be muchum partying that night. Shayna's birthday is also on monday night and there will be lots of partying then too.

PS. I am madly in love with Jeremiah from The One: Making a Music Star, he sang Imaging by John Lennon tonight and I want him to father my children. Well maybe only one..the others will be fathered by Jacob Hoggard. And no people, he's not gay.


At 12:46 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

I also saw Jeremiah. Which is odd considering I don't have TV, so that's the only TV thing I've seen in a long time. Maybe it means something. Like I'm supposed to carry his children. Or not.


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