Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Skip It + The Time Warp = Not The World's Best Idea

So listen up, here's a story..about a little guy who lives in a blue world and all day and all night everything he sees is just him, inside and outside. Blue's his house with it's blue little windows and his blue corvette and everything's just blue...

Ok so I dunno where that came from haha but apparently I know more of that song off the top of my head than I ever thought. It just kinda popped in there and I thought I'd share it with you all.

As for my life as of late, I've been working lots and spending a lot of time with Tasha and the Dominos people. I went up to Camp Imadene with Crysta and Shawn one night last weekend for some open house and ran into Tasha, Alyssa and Jordan so I hungout with them and then came back to Nanaimo and hungout with Tasha and people at Dominos. Monday was Tasha's friend Loren's birthday so everyone had plans to go out. The evening began with Tasha, Jordan and I going to Walmart where Tasha bought a Skip It and a 20Questions game which proved to be way more entertaining than we thought they would be haha. We took the toys to Dominos where we discovered that some of the guys aren't quite as heterosexual as we once thought and I'm pretty sure that they practice Skip Iting in their basements in the middle of the night. The extendable rainbow ribbon coming out of the bottom made it that much more amazingly homosexual. I attempted to Skip It and Time Warp at the same time but it didn't work so well..and Tasha tried to Skip It around the parking lot but really she just looked like she was handicapped and trying to run around the parking lot and give it all she's got.

Eventually everyone was done work and we headed to Loren's and then on to The Foundry...there was a machine in the bathroom that was supposed to dispense provocative fake tattoos but really all we got was Bugs Bunny surfing...good times. Then Chris and Loren went to the Casino and the rest of us went to 70 Below, the gay bar. It was completely dead but there was a pole..and so we pole danced. Jordan was shockingly skilled and gave us some lessons (once again with the homosexuality haha) We were there till about 2:30, then we walked back to the car and Tasha drove me and Jordan home. On the way home I started feeling really weird and was totally out of it, still don't really know why. I got home at about 3:15 or something after going to McDonalds and discovered that I had been locked out of the house. I then had to remove the screen from the pool room window and climb through it. All while being rather fucked up.

Now for tuesday. I woke up very stiff and sore and not feeling so hot. Got feeling a bit better by the late morning and then by the afternoon I got really super down and feeling like shit so I went to bed and slept until Sacha showed up and woke me up and then I hungout with her for a little while till she had to leave. That's about all I did yesterday...then today I worked and cleaned my room. That about sums it up. I really wanna go dancing again, it always proves to be good times and I love it. So if anyone wants to go sometime this week I'm totally there! Well I'm out of things to say so this is me leaving.


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