Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ladies Night Oh What A Night!

Last night rocked, ya ladies night! Who needs guys anyways haha well here's my night lastnight..Tasha and Candace picked me up at like 10:15 or something and then we got Alyssa and then we headed to the Griz. Josh and some other people I don't know were supposed to meet us there but they didn't wanna chance getting their ID's taken away cause well..they weren't theirs. So the four of us partied it up on the dance floor all night, Tasha got a bit sick so I was kinda worried about her but she got better quickly. We hungout with some really cool guys who's names I can not remember..there was like 5 of them or something and they were there for their friend's birthday but he was a creep and all depressed and shit so he just sat around all night while his buddies danced. We all had a blast, then we went to Dominos for water and told Chris and Seve about our night. We felt bad for Chris cause he was stuck at work all night instead of being able to come out with Tasha made us all kiss him on the cheak and he went beat red which was hillarious. Then Josh called Tasha so we headed back downtown cause we were going to go to an after party but decided to meet up with him and his friends first. He was REALLY drunk and had hurt his hand so we all insisted on him either going home or going to Dominos and he chose Dominos so we dropped him off there for Chris to deal with lol Then I came home and the 3 of them went out. I didn't really feel like sitting at some guy's house while everyong smoked pot..especially since the smell makes me so sick. SO That was my night haha, it was very awesome, there was a lot of dancing and a lot of cute guys..I danced with a few guys, but mostly just danced. But that's all, I must depart..see ya!


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