Sunday, June 11, 2006

"Do you always cry after your first time?"

Lol Tasha I appologize for the name of this blog but I couldn't help it...and it's about 4x4ing people!

Another weekend has passed...some excitement, but not a lot...umm friday night I didn't do anything I don't think..don't really remember. Then lastnight I hungout with Tasha which was awesome and we visited all the boys at Dominos..several times throughout the night. Frazer took us 4x4ing in his new truck/jeep thing which was really awesome. I had a blast, but it was pretty frightening..oh Tasha....haha. We tried to go to the clubs but Alyssa couldn't get in..and the Griz was really busy and apparently there's been stabbings lately.

Then today I worked all day...which kinda sucked but wasn't bad. Work was pretty fun just very tiring cause it was super busy. Then I came home, got a message from Shoe Warehouse and called the lady back and found out that I got the job! I start on tuesday which is pretty awesome. After finding this out..I headed to Swyalana for the last Full Circle of the year. It was pretty great, but I was like a half hour late so I missed most of the worship. But then there was some interpretive dance thing to Broken by Amy Lee and Seether...then Arrowplane (I don't know how they spell their band's name) played but for any of you who know who I'm talking about, that's Paul, Julian and Brad (the hottest drummer ever)'s band haha. They were amazing and played all of their songs plus a couple covers. Julian tried to get Paul to play Bang Bang Boom by the Moffats (who Paul used to play for) but he absolutely refused and threatened to kill him haha good times. After words I saw Lisa Groundwater and she happens to know the super hot drummer Brad so we went over and talked to him for a little while. Even hotter up close..must say..didn't disappoint.

But ya..that's all that I feel like typing right now because I'm absolutely beat and the words I'm thinking in my head aren't coming out through my fingers quite right. I actually keep typing the completely wrong words and I don't understand it. Before I start typing jiberish (sp?) I'm going to go to bed and hopefully sleep for many many hours!


At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sad because Andy's hurt from I didn't see him today. I'll see him tomorrow tho, call me in the ya!


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