Friday, May 19, 2006

Decisions I Don't Know How To Make

Today's topic ladies and gentlement is me and relationships...why do I bother trying to have them? It all seems so hopeless to me, I really wonder if I'm ever going to find somebody. As you can see, I'm feelings lightly alone right's that wonderful feeling of extreme singleness. I've had a pretty crappy day today which I guess kinda just lead up to this. I was really down all week, yesterday I was a lot I'm further down then before. What's wrong with me...I just don't know, maybe it's stress..confusion...frustration..that's all I can come up with. I'm frustrated with my non existant love life..I'm confused as to where I'm going in life..where I'm meant to go and what I'm doing. I'm annoyed by the fact that I have no ambition and how much I dislike myself. I got a letter today saying that there's another Interview/Portfolio session thingy at Mal U in August..which means there's still a chance of me getting in this fall, but do I want to? Here's my options:

A) Wait another year for school, work full time and move out.

B) Go back to school full time, work for the summer to save up some money and stay at home.

C) Stay at home, work full time for the summer and then travel in the fall and winter. I have an opportunity to go to Colombia in Jan and then maybe the Netherlands in the Spring.

D) I work Full time, move out and attempt to pay my own way through college at the same time.

Those are my four options for my life pretty much and I have no idea what I'm going to do.

So that's other news, I'm ready to strangle everyone around me..especially my sister and Shawn who have been so fucking selfish lately and I'm so sick of it. Ahhh! I'm going to rage soon, I can't take it. Seriously..fuck. I'm just gunna go before I keep getting more and more tense.


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