Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Motorskills...Who Needs 'Em!

Let down once again...why do I expect people to ever you know..show up..or call when they say they will? and why is it that people never seem to be willing to hold up their side of a friendship? They always expect you to be there whenever the hell they need you but they can't be bothered to just give you a call or fallow through with plans..or you know, be a friend. I'm kinda bitter about the friendship department right now if you can't tell..might be partially because I'm slightly tipsy right now..but maybe that's just enabling me to express what's really on my mind. I'm sick of being the dependable one..the one that's always there when anyone needs her and not having people return the favor.

On a different note..what did I do today...I cleaned. That's what I did today..I spent 4 hours cleaning my room and the pool room because it was filthy and still smelt like alcohol from when Tracy was in town..there was also still broken glass everywhere. I think I'm starting to like alcohol too much and that's not a good thing. I need out the house..I haven't done anything in what feels like forever..well besides look for a job. Speeking of which, I have an interview at Manhattan Coffee as well as a second interview at Reitmans, both tomorrow. I hope that they go well...Reitmans has already called my refrences which is a good sign. I hope I heard back from Transit cause that's the one I really wanna get..the interview seemed to go so well and it seems like a really cool place to work.

Well I'm going to continue to listen to Hedley and sit here and eat Triscuits while not having full use of my motorskills..so have a nice night.


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