Sunday, May 14, 2006

Survery...due to being extremely bored!

1. What is your full name? (this includes embarrassing nicknames) Janelle Driana Vanden Boer, I have many nicknames..usually depends on what people feel like calling me at any given time..there's Nelle and Janny are the most popular

2. What would you rather your name be? I actually really like my name, it's not very common

3. When’s your birthday? December 8th 1986

4. What color are your eyes? Brown/Hazel depends on the day

5. When you are 80, will you dye your hair a bright color and walk downtown with me? Absolutely, sounds like a blast!

6. If you could only pick one band/singer to listen to for the rest of your life, who would it be? Right now my answer would be Hedley lol But besides them probably The Beatles

7. What is your ideal profession? I don't fucking know, stop hastling me!

8. Do you have any siblings? Sister named Crysta, then there's Shawn, Sam and Reyna who are all like siblings to me too

9. What is the one thing about you that you think nobody understands? Why I sometimes get really quiet and distant when hanging out in groups of people

10. Do you have a lot of friends? I'd say I have a fair amount of friends, and they all rock.

11. If you had to be put into one clique at school, which would it be? According to all online survey's I'd be emo lol

12. If a war against beings that couldn’t die broke out tomorrow, would you fight for your country anyways? Umm I'm pretty sure that instead of fighting I'd just be totally partying it up and making the best of the little time I have left. Like honestly people..if they can't die, why spend your last few days fighting when you could be dancing and doing kareoke?

13. What is your favorite book or books? The HP series is definately at the top of that list, I love them. I also love John Grisham books and Angelas Ashes

14. Who is your favorite teacher at school? I don't go to school ok?

15. Which one do you hate the most? What is this?! I just said I don't go..

16. Can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time? Umm let me see...YUP! rather well apparently

17. Who is your favorite celebrity? Hmm I dunno...maybe...JACOB HOGGARD?

18. What do you do in your spare time? Spend time on the computer, hangout with friends, read, draw, geeky shit like that

19. Are you a loner or a social butterfly? I dunno, kinda inbetween...

20. Do you want to join the “Down with Love” club? What the hell is that

21. Who do you have a crush on right now? Don't even go there..there's been recent developments in this department and if you really wanna know you can ask me *blushes*

22. Do you think they like you back? I have no clue

23. What’s the last movie you saw at the theatre? Benchwarmers I believe

24. If you could be any animal, which would it be? some kind of a chimpanzee! Or a dolphin

25. What color would you say you are? Magenta! I'm all about the hot pink

26. Do you like video games? sure do, well depends on the games

27. What’s your birth sign? Sagitarius.

28. Do you know what that means about you? Ya, that I'm slightly stubborn and free spirited, caring blah blah blah

29. Have you ever been in love? nope

30. Ever had unrequited love? hah oh ya

31. What’s your favorite store? For clothes I love Reitmans, discovered Old Navy yesterday but didn't have money to buy anything. I love Showcase cause they have cool things.

32. How is your relationship with your family? It's alright, sometimes it's better than others.

33. What’s your favorite thing to drink? Ice tea, Juice...I love juice.

34. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? I honestly don't know..I can't think of anything.

35. Do you drink alcohol? Ya, if there's a special occassion or if we go to the bar or something. Drank way too much lastnight!

36. If you’re going to have kids, what would you like their names to be? Hayden if my first child's a girl, Brayden if it's a boy. I also love my middle name (Drian) and wanna name a daughter that.

37. What’s your favorite childhood memory? Tea Parties haha

(There's no 38!!)

39. Have you ever been chased by geese? Yup, sure have...been attacked by a rooster too.

(I accidently deleted number 40!!!)

41. Do you like to dance? Do I ever, let's Time Warp baby! haha apparently I like to dance on tables too..well that's what Tasha told my DAD anyways! (didn't happen for all those wondering)

42. Do you hate anyone? Not hate persay, just strongly dislike.

43. Are you ticklish? Sometimes

44. What’s your favorite outfit? Right now my Hedley t-shirt and beige pants lol

45. Do you have a religion? Yes, I'm Christian

46. Are you a vegetarian? Haha no, I like meat too much

47. Have you ever skipped class? Ooooh ya

48. Do you believe in ghosts? sorta

49. Do you believe in an afterlife? These are really weird questions and i'm way too tired!

50. Do you listen to your horoscope? I read them, but don't really take them to heart

51. Do you chew on the end of your pencils? Sometimes, if I'm nervous

52. What’s on your bedroom walls? Well they're hot pink, with records around the top, some posters (lovely Orlando) a couple old calendars, some shelves...

On the opposite sex

53. Long or short hair? All depends on the guy really

54. Light or dark hair? Usually dark..occassionally light hehe

55. Light or dark eyes? Either or, usually dark

56. Indoorsy or outdoorsy? A nice balance of both, I like a guy that will go for walks but also likes to just stay in, curl up and watch a movie.

57. Shy or confident/outgoing? Has to be a little outgoing cause I can be pretty shy and if we're both shy then we'd just but not too confident/outgoing cause then they're overpowering.

58. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes, smile..just general demeaner..what kind of vibes they give off

59. Describe your dream guy/ girl: Someone that's willing to spend the time to really try to get to know who I am and what I'm all about. that will respect my values and morals and care about me. Someone that I can just be me around and not have to worry about trying to impress.

60. Would you rather them be good looking or have a great personality? Definately the personality, to me if a guy doesn't have the personality there's no way he can be good looking. It's the personality that makes the person and that makes them attractive.

61. What confuses you most about them? Why they're never willing to just tell you how they feel, they make you drag it out of them. Oh and how they're way too afraid to take the chance of "ruining a friendship".


62. Who’s your best friend? Sacha, Shayna, Andrea and Megan are probably my 4 closest friends right now..I can't just label one as bestfriend..

63. Who’s your oldest friend? Megan!

64. Your newest friend? Umm well there's all the people I just met and befriended at Tasha's birthday party lastnight..

65. Who is the craziest? Tasha

66. Funniest? I'd probably say Tasha, Sacha and Shayna...theyre all pretty funny ladies.

67. Loudest? Sam!

68. Most fun? That's a lame question! Obviously all my friends are fun..why would I hangout with them if they weren't??

69. Most creative? hmm I don't really know, none of my friends are very artsy..

70. Most musical? I'd probably have to say Will

71. Most talented? Well they're all talented in their own ways..but I'd probably have to say Will again.

72. Most athletic? haha my friends..atheletic?

73. Smartest? umm I dunno...Colin's pretty smart

74. Prettiest? You're all gorgeous!

75. Most confident? Probably Sacha and Tasha

76. Most energetic? Tasha

77. Nicest? You guys are all super nice

78. Sweetest? I'd say probably Megs but you're all very damn sweet

79. Meanest? I don't know..Jason can be pretty mean lol

80. If you were about to assassinate the president, who would you pick as an accomplice? Either Tasha or Shayna..they understand the importance of Stealth...and they're just that crazy.

81. Who would make the best spy? Probably Colin, I could picture him dressed in a black suit with sunglasses (kinda like the men in black)

82. Who is most likely to win the nobel prize? Definately Erin

83. An oscar? Megan!

84. An olympic medal? Sorry guys but it doesn't look like olympic gold is in any of your futures...

85. If you could only take one person to a deserted island, who would it be? Jacob Hoggard haha oh was he not an option?

86. What is one question you would like to ask the general public? Why do you look down upon me because of my waist size? (I like Megan's question, it's so true too...stupid public) I'd also ask why people insist on stereotyping and judging people on their race or religious beliefs.

87. What ticks you off? Ignorant people and homophobic people...just people who judge others for any reason

88. What are you scared of? Sharks! and Abanconment...

90. Have you ever stolen anything? Not that I'm aware of. Except all of your hearts!


At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Janelle, you forgot to mention our plan to kidnap Eric and move to Finland...god he's pretty.
Ummm, I think I'm going to convince my mum to buy me a CSI book tomorrow...CSI vs Godzilla: The Ultimate Showdown.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I just looked at the picture again and am now really scared to go to sleep...and don't laugh cuz I know you want to.


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