Sunday, May 14, 2006

Let's Do The Time Warp Again..and Again...and Again..and...AGAIN!

So tonight was sucks. Here's an explanation for all ya, lastnight was Tasha's birthday party...some drama but I had an overall good time. Very hungover today and it's the anniversary of my grandma's death and mothers day all in one. Good combo hey. So I come on the computer after having a nap to try and get rid of my hangover and to make up for lack of sleep lastnight and Jason starts getting mad at me for not wanting him to go to the party lastnight and all this and he knows that it's like the worst day in the entire world to start shit with me...and so I give up and just basically tell him to fuck off cause I didn't wanna deal with it. And now...I'm bawling and I can't stop. Why can't people just leave me alone when I tell them to leave me alone. I told him like a week ago that it'd be for the best if he were to just stay away this weekend..does he listen, no. He starts a fight. The combination of anger and upset is not good right now. Hedley's starting to make it better..slowly. So is remenising about the good parts of lastnight lol like said drinking game that got me very drunk. Good times.

Lastnight...lastnight was definately interesting, won't get into too many details. A little drama but it's all good. I really wish Tasha had had more fun than she did and we'll have to make it up to her sometime soon. Maybe minigolfing or something. Most people left at like 4am or something like that and then the rest of us just crashed in various rooms. I learned that a double bed is NOT meant for 3 people lol but it was fairly cozy anyways. Just a lot of spooning, but who doesn't like spooning. Woke up at 8am, got up at 9am..came home and got showered and then ended up at my grandparent's house, with a massive hangover wanting to kill something. Spent most of it outside chatting with my cousin and avoiding my grandmother. Came home, drew a giant fish on our fence for my mom to make a mosaic and did some yard work. Then I went to lay down, woke up at 7pm and everyone was gone. Dunno where they went..but I'm hungry. That about sums it all up...oh, I forgot to mention there was endless amounts of Time Warping which always leads to good times. Anyways, I'm outta here, see ya


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