Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm Too Drive To Drunk!

Hola amigos. So..someone just lit the road outside my house on was good times. My dad had to rush out and get the hose and put it out and my mom had to call 911 cause we didn't know what caused it or anything. Looks as though it was a wine bottle full of gasoline that had somehow been smashed on the cement. Whether it was people walking or in a car. It was freaky! One minute we're watching John Q, and the next minute the room's lit up and we look outside and there's flames the size of a large car. My mom thought the house was on fire at first and Sam and I both thought it was cross and that the KKK were attacking our neighborhood lol oh man..we need to watch less tv/movies. Firemen and Cops came, cleaned up the glass and everything and the cops went to go look and see if they could find anyone suspicious and all was over and done with.

It's been one interesting day to say the least! lol But, we'll start with friday instead. Tracy and Brendon finally show up at about 7pm and so we eat dinner and Tracy finishes her couple of errands and then the drinking begins..well for some. My mom and dad did not partake, nor did my sister because she was upset over matters with Shawn. But we're playing pool (me, Tracy, Brendan and Sam) I have a few Smirnoff Triple Blacks and then Sam decides to make me an orange juice and Malibu. So, I drink some..then Tracy chugs the Sam makes me another. By about midnight or 1am (I don't really know) I'm completely wasted...luckily I didn't make a complete fool of myself, I was rather well behaved...I just kinda layed down on the sofa bed and started saying how someone's a douche and how comfy the blanket was lol Everyone else was fairly drunk at this point too..well besides Sam, she was alright. I go to bed at 1:30am and try to get up at 2am to get some water and can't even walk. I got as far as my dresser and had to retreat to my bed. Needless to say I was very hungover at 8am when I woke up. There was some dry heaving in the kitchen sink while my mom stood and laughed at me and then I finally gave up and went back to bed and slept it off. Sam and I got up at noon and headed to Petsmart to meet up with everyone else. We all left shortly after and came on back home.

We go buy some food..and stop by the liquor store and then come home and eat..then Tracy and Brenden went to the Casino for a while and came back at 10pm. By that time I'd make Tracy some pretty awesome CD's for us to dance to and we headed downstairs. They wanted me to get drunk again but I didn't. I had one Smirnoff twisted watermelon and my body wouldn't let me drink anymore. Tracy and Brenden on the other hand drank a lot. They were playing pool and everytime they missed a shot they had to take a drink..and since beer wasn't doing it for Brenden I kept handing him the huge bottle of Whisky lol He's a pretty quiet guy but also very full of himself but he's a lot nicer to be around when he's drunk. He's got a lot of issues however so I didn't get too close..even though he is kinda cute. So by about 12:30 Brenden's almost passed out and Tracy's trying to tuck him into bed. I'm pretty sure the best part was:

Brenden: "we can't go you guys!"
Sam: "wha???"
Brenden: "I'm too drive to drunk!!"

So that was the weekend while Tracy and Brenden were here..Brenden was drunk almost 24/7. This morning I got up and got ready for church, Sacha and Will picked me up and we headed out for the longest service known to man! It was almost 2 hours long and I kept almost falling asleep. I swear, if it wasn't for Will's excessive twitching I would have. From there we went and bought Eric and Will M some b-day presents and then got ourselves some pizza and a movie and headed to the guys' house. We ate and watched Snatch and I almost fell asleep once again. Josh spent most of the afternoon beating the crap out of Will M lol it was hillarious..for some reason Will M thought he could get away by going up on Will W's top bunk of his bunkbeds but really it just trapped him and lead to even more beatings. Will W didn't help..instead he kept passing Josh stuff to beat him with and Sacha was playing both teams to try and make it more interesting lol. Once that was over we went upstairs to eat cake and Josh didn't believe that the sliding glass door locks now so Sacha locked him outside. We then proceeded to close all the blinds and sit and enjoy the quiet haha he was out there for like 15 minutes..and then Will W went down to the lower deck and threw him up a rope. I can't believe he actually considering trying to use it. We eventually let him back inside. Then Sacha, Will and I went to West Wood Lake but it was too windy and cold to get out of the car so we just sat and talked for like 1.5 hours or something and I came home. The only thing that's happened since then is the whole fire insident which I already explained.

So, I'm pretty sure that's a complete update of the occurances of my weekend..well most of them, everything except for a massive blow out I had with Jason lastnight that I don't really wanna get into but that I hope will go away quickly! I hate fighting with friends..but what I hate even more is having someone insult me and try to hurt me just because they don't like what I have to say. But anyways...I must go to bed.


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