Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Letting Go Of All I've Held On To...

I was sitting on Jason's computer lastnight, selecting songs to listen to and I found Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse and I said to myself "wow it's been a long time since I heard this.." and I put it on. I started listening to the words and the song really hit me. It was everything that I was feeling at the time and so when I came home a while later I began listening to it on repeat and now I can't stop. Something has totally drawn me to this song and I've realized that there's a lot of things I've been holding onto that I need to let go of. People that I've been holding onto that I need to let go of. I don't know if I can. Someone tell me how!

Desperate for changing, starving for truth. Closer to where I started, chasing after you...I'm falling even more in love with you, letting go of all I've held on to. Standing here until you make me move, I'm hanging by a moment here with you.

It's just such an amazingly beautiful song and so many people don't realize the true meaning behind it..what the words really mean.

On another note..I'm either having a really bad alergy attack for the past two days or I'm getting sick again...and it really sucks because I'm supposed to be co-leading music at Young Life tomorrow night with Sacha. I'm looking so forward to it too but right not I'm really congested and have a scratchy throat. I'm loading up on alergy meds hoping that that's it and that it will go away!!!

Lastnight was a blast, I went to see The Benchwarmers with Sam, Sonya, Shayne, Kayla and Julia (girls from YL) and it was awesome. The movie was absolutely hillarious and we laughed our asses off. At that AND at Sonya for putting so much flavoring on her popcorn that as you went to take a bite you'd inhale the powder into your lungs! It was painful. After the movie we ran into Sacha, Will, Will, Josh and Eric but only Sacha and Will came over to say hi..apparently the other 3 were too good? (gives guys evil look) Things kinda went bad from there cause the girls decided that instead of my dad driving them all home it would be funny for them to call Jason and get him to come pick them all up and rub it in that he wasn't allowed to come with Sam called him and I didn't even know what she was saying, all I heard was that she wanted to hangout with him and then next thing she's saying that he's coming to get I'm like "oh ok w/e" and then he shows up and is all pissed at me, saying that it was my idea to intentionally use him for his car...and didn't believe me that I had nothing to do with it. I actually refused to get him to pick us up for the longest time cause I wanted to prove that I could do it all without him and that the girls would have a good night even without him there. So Sam and I went over to his place and then Andrea and Andrew showed up...not much to be said about that...we left and I ended up getting really mad at Jason for not believing me and then went home.

Got home, went on the computer to talk to Megs for a bit and Jason came online so we talked about why we were both mad and sorted things out and everything's all good now. Now I just need to get feeling better cause I've got some stuff planned for Sam for tonight. It was her birthday sunday and we haven't celebrated it yet so I'm planning on doing so tonight. Colin's coming down from Port and I'm going to bake her a bunny shaped cake and do some stuff..don't quit know what yet but I'll figure it out. Well I should go and either start cleaning or go back to bed..haven't decided what yet.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Jeannine Jersey Bailey said...

I must have heard that song a thousand times...and never really listened to the words. Thank you for your perspective on the song. It means a lot more to me now...


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