Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's Just A Jump To The Left & Then A Step To The Riiight. Put Your Hands On Your Hips & Bend Your Knees In Tiiiime

I realized it had been a little while since I last updated..not a whole lot has really changed. While writing this I am speaking in my mind as though I am telling a monologue..this is the fault of one Jason...who had been doing so for the past hour. I don't understand why, but it seems to have caught on. My mind is going crazy as I sit here and eat a cheese stick. I also sit, hoping that Jason will come online so that I can ask him for a ride to campaigners in the morning..I happened to forget while I was still with him. Actually, I wasn't planning on attending until I got home and received an email from Holly, thanking us for attending the meeting tonight because she knew we wanted to be elsewhere. We had received an offer earlier in the day to attend YL in Port Alberni and attempted to gain permission to miss the meeting. At this, we failed horribly.

Ok I'm done that now lol I'm just gunna tell you bout my day, well past couple of days. Yesterday Amanda came into town with Colin and we went to FC. Amanda had a lot on her mind so we went back to Jason's after and talked for a long time. It was really nice. We then decided that Jason, Colin, Amanda and myself would take a mini road trip today to Port because Amanda had to go back home and the guys needed to pick some stuff up from their homes. They picked me up at about 2:30 and we went to Woodgrove where Amanda bought some pants and we looked around, I saw several people that I knew which seemed to annoy the guys. At about 4 we headed for Port Alberni which was definately good times. We sang along to the radio and had a gay old time. After we dropped off Amanda for her meeting we headed back to town. We stopped for ice cream on the way which was pretty wonderful. Jason wasn't really speaking to me though cause he was mad at me..but that changed eventually.

We got to Nanaimo and then headed to our Mexico meeting (previously mentioned) where we all found out that the YL people had been split up and that none of my friends are on my team for the house building. My team consists of me, Holly, a bunch of young girls and 3 old guys. Andrea, Jason, Chelsea, Jesslyn and like everyone else is on the other team. I don't think I'd be quite as upset if I didn't know that part of that was intentional. When talking to Holly a while back about things between me and Jason, she meantioned how if we didn't sort things out before Mexico it would be really awkward for us to be working together in that kind of environment...so, even though I told her everything was worked out..I'm pretty sure that her and Alastair decided to seperate us for a reason. I'm really disappointed that I don't get to build the house with Andrea though..that was something I was really looking forward to. But, nothing can be done about that now. I am however really glad that Liz, Michal, Sonya and Kalina are on my team..I love those girls and we're really lucky to have Ken on our team who happens to be a professional contracter.

After the meeting was over, Jason and I headed back to his place...I called Sam on the way to ask if she wanted to come and watch Rocky Horror Picture show and she did so we went and picked her up. We get to Jason's and I got see Colin..we sit and talk about me being disappointed about said Mexico stuff and then we all start watching the movie. The 4 of us all crammed on the couch with Colin at one end, then me, then Jason, then Sam..and I'm pretty sure that we NEVER got comfortable the entire time...although I'm pretty sure my problem was just with Sam and Jason. We got through the movie and Jason drove Sam home while I went and talked with Colin in his room. We had some really good conversations and then Jason joined us. This is where he began telling stories in a monologue type voice..they were rather interesting lol and the main one involved him stalking me, it was good times.

But I'm dead tired and am supposed to get up at 6am, I don't see that happening. Anyways, I'll fill ya in more later. Peace out


At 1:32 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

we will be meeting with the queen in the tower for tea and crumpets in a fortnight.



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