Saturday, February 18, 2006

Plastic Fork Bracelets, Pen All Over My Arm & A Long Day Over With

When I can't see you, I know you're there...When I can feel you, I will not fear...I will trust in you and I will not be afraid. When the battle is close at hand, though you're with me and help me stand I will trust in you and I will not be afraid.

This has recently become my theme song for life...not only because it's sung by the future father of my children Jeremy Camp lol but because of everything that's been going on in my life I've been really relying on my faith in god to get me through this. For those of you who aren't a christian you probably won't understand but those of you who are will. Today was a long and stressful day but I did it..I got through it and I'm still alive. Here's the replay.

Today was the dessert banquet for YL to raise money to go to Mexico. Jason picked me up at about 1pm and him, Andrew and I went to Quality Foods and got the pop. We then headed to Tim Hortons where we were informed that we were apparently supposed to call them back ahead of time so they had nothing prepared for us. We go to the church and drop everything we had up and then Jason and I head downtown to pick up Sam from Beams. I may or may not have gotten us lost at this point...but we finally find it and head to Save-On to pick up more 7up for the punch. We go to get out of the car and can't find Andrew's bank card...(he was paying for it) so we get a little scared..but after 15 minutes of looking finally find it. Get the pop, go back to the church. We're not an hour late for set up....

Tensions were EXTREMELY high and everyone was pushing everyone's buttons, especially when it came to the skits. We got everything organized and the banquet went off with very few hitches and the ones that did occur were tiny. There were definately some good times in there...Josh drew all over my arm with a pen. We were kinda having pen wars....but I never got any on him. He like covered my arm. But anyways...Jason and Steven performed If I Had A Million Dollars and it went AWESOMELY! I was sooooo happy cause some people thought it would bomb but it was I'd say..maybe the best song of the evening. People definately got into it. I didn't cry during Amazing Grace/God Has Smiled On Me! Well...I did but only in practice, not during the banquet.

I was rather emotional AGAIN tonight...Lynn and Kara both came over to me in the kitchen near the beginning and asked me what's going on with my life cause Sonya had mentioned it to Lynna (her mom). So we all got talking and the two of them are now trying to find me somewhere to stay and a job haha they're such sweet hearts. I was pretty disappointed that no one from my family came tonight though...I was really hoping that they would, but I should have known better. The silent auction went really well...the people auction went even better. Scott Henderson payed $55 for Sonya and I to go chop wood for 2 hours lol. I'm pretty sure we got the best deal. Sacha and Liz have to clean Andrea's parent's basement...Jason and Jessy have to do 4 hours of yard work or something..and I don't remember what Andrea and Chelsea ended up having to do. I think we made about $200 just in the people auction.

I dunno how much we made in total...I was supposed to go over to Jason's to count it with Andrea but my dad apparently decided to be parental and not let me. Why I didn't just go anyways I dunno...what are they gunna do..kick me out? A little late for that. But I'm gunna head off to bed if I think of more I'll write more.

PS. The plastic fork bracelet was a gift from Will Wood. lol it didn't work so well


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