Friday, February 10, 2006

A.D.D @ It's Finest's been a very emotional couple of days to say the least. Yesterday was thursday, club day...and oh what a day it was. The highlight being me getting kicked out of my house. That happened about 15 minutes before having to leave to go practice and such for YL...and so I burst into tears as soon as I got there and remained in such a state for quite a while. I'm so lucky that I have such amazingly supportive friends! I don't even know what I would do without them. The first while was pretty up and down because certain YL girls that can read me way too well kept showing up and asking me what was wrong. I couldn't tell them so it was really hard but eventually everyone got there and the mask went on and we all had a great time. After club was over we had a mini leaders meeting and then headed home after much debate about whether or not I was going to go home. You really find out who loves you when you go through something like this...Sacha, Holly and Jason all didn't even hesitate to offer me a place to stay for atleast the night and even Will offered. (Half joking to chear me up lol but I decided that would not be a good decision considering there'd be 4 guys..and me) So, I came home...sat around for a while, went to bed.

Got up this morning. Had minimal words with my mom, did my chores, went to Andrea's to go finish fundraising. It's all we've done for the past I don't even know how long, but she got called into work early so she dropped me off at Jason's. We sat and chatted for a while, I harrassed Andrew and then Jay and I left to finish dropping off the letters. I swear that boy has ADD and just didn't realize it till now. He was like a 5 year old all day lol it was rather amusing and slightly cute but annoying none the less :D haha he kept playing with the scanner in Quality Foods and just EVERYTHING everywhere else, he couldn't even stand still! But, I think we're finally done with letters! It's pretty amazing.

We finished at about 5pm and then headed back over to his place. Him and Andrew got some pizza and then we chilled and watched some tv and then the Canuck's dissappointed that they lost! So ya..I'm kinda confused about some stuff from tonight but I don't really wanna write about that on here so I'll probably talk to most of you later and get your insight. Let's just say boys confuse me and leave it at that for now. That's all I've got for you guys tonight, maybe more later.


At 12:11 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

Frag. You can crash at my house if you ever need to too. Don't stay at boy's houses. BAD IDEA!

love love love

ps) boys ARE confusing. read blog for more.


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