Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sand In Your Pants...Not Fun!

Ok I must admit I had a complete BLAST yesterday. It started off pretty rocky with some much needed conversations with two people that I care so much about! But that's all over, everything is good and we're all happy now...well I think we are atleast...I went over to Andrea's, we chatted and then did some more planning for the dessert banquet, figured out center pieces for the tables and decorations. Made some decisions about songs and general layout. Things seem to be going fairly smoothly.

I came home from Andrea's at about 2 and called Sacha on her break. Made plans to meet up with her after she got of off work at 2:45. So Shawn drove me down to the mall and then Sacha and I headed to her new place. We ended up babysitting Thai for a little bit, he's one of the cutest babies ever but really didn't seem to like me hehe...so we put him in his stroller and went for a walk. The guys (Will, Josh and Eric) wanted to go play Volleyball so they met up with us just in time for Nina to get home and take her baby. So we crammed into Eric's car and headed to Bowen Park to play volleyball in the outdoor courts but the ball was kinda flat and there weren't any nets. We were waiting for Jason to meet up with us so Will and Sacha went to the rec centre to find out about nets and a pump for the ball and were taking forever so the 3 of us got in the car and drove to the top and hid from them..then slowly fallowed them back down while mocking them and then drove past them without them noticing and came back about 2 minutes later to them standing there being rather confused. It was good. They all just started hitting the ball around so I attempted to make a sand castle which didn't go well..so I ended up making a sand ball which I threw at Sacha and resulted in her tackling me to the ground and sand getting down my pants. Eric was like "Cat fight!!" and Josh just stood there going "it's not quite mud wrestling without the mud.."

Once Jason got there we headed back to the guys' place where I removed the sand from my pants and we proceeded to play Sardines for about an hour and a half. For those who don't know the game...it's pretty much the reverse of Hide and Go Seek. One person hides, then the first person to find them hides with them and so on till the last person finds everyone. It was pretty hillarious.

Sacha, Will and I then proceeded to begin to make breakfast for dinner (pancakes..chocolate pancakes to be exact, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon and saucages) and then Josh put on Saw 2 so I made Sacha finish making the pancakes so that I could go watch the movie with him and Jason. It was so freaking scary but definately worth it ;) mwhaha. Lol I'll explain later gals. After the movie was over I came home and Sam got home shortly after so we went in her room and had a really great talk about a lot of different things and it felt really good. We talked for like an hour and then I went on the computer. Tyler started talking to me and was being all philisophical and shit and I was way too tired at this point for an indepth conversation about religion and destiny and God's will. What he was saying made a lot of sense but I was way too exausted to respond at all and I don't like being in conversations like that if they're only going to be one sided.

This is where it gets interesting..so, I'm trying to get off the computer so that I can get to bed and who signs online? Andrew. The guy I haven't seen or spoken to in how many months now..? I was kinda expecting it at some point since wench #1 dumped him but I wasn't explecting it lastnight..at like midnight. So of course I couldn't go to bed yet...I wasn't just gunna be like "I know we haven't spoken in months and you're really upset cause you had your heartbroken but I'm going to bed." If you know me at all, you know that's not me. So instead I stayed up for another hour talking to him until he had to go back to work. It was nice but slightly conflicting at the same time.

I should depart though, tonnes of stuff to do today...I have to design a t-shirt for the YL Mexico trip by the end of the day and do my bible study assignment before Holly's tonight.

Don't forget ladies..."I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny..when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing if your face you get sprung!"


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