Friday, February 03, 2006

Every Night Should Be 80's Night

Lastnight totally kicked ass! It rocked, we all had a total blast and there was only a few casualties lol a couch...a bleeding nose and some puking but it's all good now. The guys were totally awesome and lots of people showed up. We all danced our butts off and rocked out. Jason's roommate Colin came with his gf and some other friends and we made him dance with us. Set up and take down was also pretty fun. Set up was kinda boring cause I was pretty much alone for quite a while. But when people were there with me it was a blast. For take down everyone was exausted which made things more amusing than they probably normally would have been but it was awesome. Got to hangout with the band for a while, I love those boys lol they make me laugh so much. Josh constantly trying to convince me that he's addicted to crack lol.

Near the end of the night Will M took the mic and said "and now Eric's going to say something he's wanted to say for a very long time.." and held the mic over to him and Eric just looked at him and said "I hate you Will" and it was awesome but I am curious as to what Will was getting at lol.

While we were cleaning up I took a sign off the wall and tried to stick it to Will M's head but failed horribly and stuck it to his hand instead and I was like "did you even read it?" and he said no and then looked at it and it said "Girls just wanna have fun" so I turned to him and was like "that's cause I know how much you like to have fun and how much of a girl you are!" and Sacha was walking past and she's just like "oh she so didn't just go there.." and Will says "oh she so did.." and then turned to me and is like "Ya well I got a shirt for Christmas that reminded me of you! It says "beards that grow on you!" haha oh man, good times. He's so easy to just goof around with, he's got that kind of personality. Kinda like the big brother kinda deal.

Practice didn't start off too well cause Josh's voice wasn't doing what he wanted it to and so he was getting really frustrated with himself and ended up chugging like half a bottle of Buckley's lol but it all went well after that. They played Message In A Bottle for Sacha and I, after Duncan and Port left. It was lol I love it when they play that song...but Sacha ended up getting really sick during it which sucked.

Overall a very good night and I would do it again in an instant. Every night should be 80's night. Hopefully I'm going to be spending the night over at Sacha's tomorrow as one last sleep over in her old house, before she moves into her new one :( it will be a sad sad day I tell you lol. Well I should be off, gotta go get dressed and figure out my game plan for the day. See ya'll later.


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