Friday, October 28, 2005 more work...

That's all I seem to do anymore! I dunno, I'm either working, or doing something YL related. Today's friday which means I'm really tired. I just woke up from a 5 hour long nap and I still feel as though I could go to bed and not wake up till morning. Crazy huh? On Monday we get to wear our PJ's to work cause we're having Theme Day and our Theme is the Morning People Slumber Party. It's going to be good. Johnny said he'd bring brownies so he better. We're all bringing tonnes of stuff and we're going to dress our co-facilitator up like a woman. It will be grand..he doesn't know this yet though because he didn't show up for work today! Apparently he was too busy moving in with his GF. Anyways...looks like Krista and I are doing the TimeWarp at the beginning of the week with people from the other class lol. Scott tried to get me to demonstrate today cause I'm the only one who apparently knows the dance...but I demonstrated while sitting in my chair rather than infront of the class. Sarah also decided to tell EVERYONE that I like to TimeWarp when I'm drunk lol big mistake telling her that one, but they laughed so it's ok.

YL...oh Young's been crazy. That's all I can say. Lastnight...slightly unexpected guest that I didn't enjoy too much but that's ok. I had a good time but left in a bad mood. Mostly because of tiredness...partially due to said guest and things on my mind.

I really need to get out and just have a good time with some friends...enjoy life. But, as usual..I'm broke! You need money for everything and I don't get payed for another week. Grr. But, when I get payed..oh will it be nice. Not quite as nice as the next paycheck though...I have to work Rememberance Day so I get $22.50 an hour for those 8 hours. Good times, good times lol. I wanna all go to the movies...or something fun. I feel like I don't see anyone anymore. I really wanna start spending more time with the other YL leaders because we get along soooo well and always have such a good time. Especially the four of us. Even just sitting and talking it fun because we always find something to talk about.

Anyways...I'm going to go dispose of the evidence that I ate Crysta's pizza pockets lol Call me if anyone wants to do something. Buh bye


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