Monday, October 24, 2005


Things have been rather crazy lately...

To start off with, I've been working full time at my new job which I'm really enjoying. The work is pretty dull but the girls I work with are amazing. I love them so much! haha they make my day. Work's also rather good scoping grounds for attractive older men....the other girls have all decided that since I'm the only single one out of our little group, they must hook me up with someone before training is over lol There's a couple guys in our class that are pretty cute but one smokes and one smokes weed. There's this other guy though that seems really nice...he's just a bit older and I don't know him much yet. Then they're our co-facilitator...hahaha "his butt looks good in those jeans" oh Sarah how I love thee lol. We enjoy our assistant teacher gives us great sadness that he's not available. He's so sweet, holds doors open for us and such. Our teacher is hillarious, he likes to the Backstreet Boys..and do the Macarana. Krista and I have to do "I'm A Little TeaPot" at the end of the week cause we forgot to lock our computers when we went to break. Maybe we'll get away with the YMCA. Last friday like 7 of them had to do the Macarana. We were informed today that our teacher looks just like The 40 Year Old Virgin but with a goatee and the class next door adjusted a poster to display this. It kept us laughing for the better part of the day.

As for YL...things have been...hecktic. Club was kinda crazy last week, hopefully things are a little calmer this week but it's our Halloween Club so I highly doubt it. Things between the leaders seem rather drama full and I'm smack dab in the middle of it! I dunno...I hope things are ok...I really hope someone's not mad at me. I feel so bad for what I did but I can't go back in time and change it. I can just move on and try to make better decisions next time. isn't that a fun topic ladies? This is going to be my little rant for the day. Why is it that the guys you are interested in are never interested in you (atleast at the same time) and the guys that are interested in you are ones you're not interested in? Is it like Karma coming back to bite me in the ass or what...? There's one guy that I've developed an interest in but I don't see that going anywhere and I really wish it would. For once I like a guy that's not horrible for me...he's got good morals, similar interests...he doesn't drink, do drugs or smoke and he's a christian..but of course he's taken. Betcha guessed that one hey? knee's killing me again I'll write some more later, buh bye for now.


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