Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I Can't Smile 24/7!!!!!

It was back to work today, and it was weird after having four days off. It was really hard to get back into the swing of things and it didn't help that I had a bad day. They're hiring this guy back that used to work there and Rob is going to be working very little for the next while because he's gotten a second job and they desperately need him, so....when Rob told Alayna that he's probably going to need next week off she said that it would be ok, that Dave's coming back and she'll just give him all of Rob's hours. Rob was full time. Does that seem fair? I don't know if I want many more hours than I have, maybe a few would be nice...but I don't think I'm going to get the option. It seems like this guy's just going to come right back and start off where he left off, no bottom of the seniority list no nothing. Basically, even though they're hiring someone else, I'm still going to be the newby and get stuck with all of the shitty jobs. I hate being harrassed if I stop smiling for like two's so annoying. None of them smile 24/7 so why should I have to? Urgh I'm going crazy. I'm just so frustrated. I actually wanted to quit today. If I didn't need this job so badly I probably would have. My mom said that I could always start looking and applying again and try to find something else and I think I just might. Only problem is that I dunno if I could use this job on my resume if I'm still in my 3 month probation period. Does anyone know?

Hmm hopefully tomorrow goes's me, Igor, Kevin and Aaryn so aslong as they're in good moods I should be able to aswell. Who knows, I'm probably majorly pmsing or something.

You all must listen to Scars by Papa Roach

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. My weakness is that I care too much. My scars reminds me that the past is real. I tear my heart open, just to feel!

Oh man, such a good song...anyways, as for tonight...I called Phil and 2 of the girls from YL to see if they are coming to Monte Carlo Night and it all seemed to go farely well. Phil was a little strange as usual, and I'm pretty sure that both girls will be coming. I then finished up the stupid Roulette Wheel and got on to decorating the vases for the fake roses and such. I should probably go though since Terry's picking me up just before 9 to go decorate, then I have to come home and get my hair done, then go to work and then go to Monte Carlo Night...I'll talk to you guys later, bye bye.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Megan said... come to my work...and bitch about how much you hate Phil...and then go mini golfing and other such things with him...?

You are one crazy whacky nut!

Oh and have fun at your Monte Carlo night...I'm getting my nails done tomorrow! ME! GETTING MY NAILS DONE!


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