Saturday, April 30, 2005

Struggled Through Work, Once Again...

I managed to struggle through another day of work today and I have another one tomorrow. Then, after work I get to come home, get changed and then get picked up by Kevin to go to a barbeque at Alayna and Igor's house (my bosses). I'm not really looking forward to it, mostly just because I don't know people all that well and I don't think it's just going to be the staff. I think that their friends are going to be there too and I dunno if I'll really have anyone to talk to.

So ya, I work the next two days as well, my sales haven't been very high even though the guys have been totally kicking ass. It seems as though the big sales just keep finding their way straight to them. Like someone will walk in the door and go straight to Aaryn and be like "I want that $900 ring" or something, it's crazy. I thought that all of the newly available hours were going to be going to Dave, the guy that used to work there and is coming back, but I actually got quite a few of them. I'm scheduled for 30 hours next week which should be interesting. It's means a lot of money, just not much free time. I really hope that my sale start to pick up and I'm trying so hard to be happy when I'm at work and to smile lots but sometimes it's just hard. I'm so sick of the creepy guys going *stares at chest* "oh, your name's Janelle hey? That's a really cool you doing?" Grr it's so frustrating, I don't want these creepy guys to know my name, why do I have to wear a name tag, it's not like I'm going to get confused with another sales person, there's only 6, well now 7 people that work there and there's only 2 girls.

In other news, I have a meeting on tuesday morning with a course councilor at Sprott Shaw to find out more information about the course that I want to take. I'll get to find out how much it costs, different payment options, when it starts and ends blah blah blah. There's no highschool or college prerequisites, but I do have to pass a physical saying that I'm physically capable to give massages and stuff...I hope that my wrists are strong enough, I may need to find out about some exercises that I can do to strengthen them or something.

Megan and Shayna and Ian, Tylor, Chris, Amber and everyone are all at prom right now and I didn't get to see them all dressed up and stuff because I was too busy having to work...grr stupid work. I'm not too happy with having a job at the moment if you haven't noticed, well atleast having this one. I should probably go though, I'll talk to ya'll later. Byes.


At 12:39 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

deaaaaath, omg i'm so tired, i'm going to die. i got off work at midnight tonight and i have to go back at eight am tomorrow morning. woo-freakin'-hoo. parents leave tomorrow. feel free to stop by whenever and bring all your buddies. later homes. gotta go to bed before i like pass out and start drooling on the keyboard.


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