Thursday, April 28, 2005

Is There A Purpose?

I dropped tonight. In every sense of the word. I was so busy getting everything ready for Monte Carlo Night, going to work, doing stuff at home...and then once it was over, I crashed. I was so freaking stressed out and had so many responsibilities placed on my shoulders that I crashed. Luckily it wasn't until Monte Carlo Night was over, but it still happened. I couldn't help but lay on the couch and hide my tears. Not only was I exausted, I hadn't eaten since 11am and this was at 10pm I might add, wearing my prom dress again reminded me of a lot of things and I just overall didn't have a great time. It didn't help that Alex and Chelsea showed up...completely ignored me, Alex said all of 7 words to me and that was "Can't talk, going to watch the OC" as they walked out the door. That was lovely. While I was laying on the couch Jason came over to talk to me and I just wanted to be left alone.

On an upside...I stole Steven's pimpin' hat for a few minutes but he had to steal it back cause he had to go. Hmm what else...I dunno. Some of it was fun, some of it just really sucked. The girls getting sick and puking from Alastair getting them to eat weird things to get more fake money definately sucked. We had two 15 year old girls sick to their stomaches and had to try and help them feel better. One couple that was there broke up yesterday so one of my duties for the night was to make sure that the girl had a good time and talk to her a lot. I didn't mind that because she's really nice and I get along with her well but it was just another thing added to my list of things on my mind.

I got up this morning at 7 only to go decorate the portable with Terry and Alastair at 9, then I got home at 10...Crysta did my hair, I got ready for work and left. I worked all day with Igor, Kevin and Aaryn which wasn't too bad I guess, but it wasn't great. Alastair came and dropped some stuff off with me for tonight and I was really worried that I was going to get in trouble or something. My sales haven't been great for the past two days and I just can't get into it at all. My dad picked me up and I had to wait for him to buy coffee, then go straight home and get changed into my prom dress in time for Becca to pick me up. Alastair forgot the get the fake money so it was up to Becca and I to get that. I got dropped off at the portable where I entertained 3 of the girls while not having a clue when everyone else was going to get there.

All this stress and for what? I don't even know right now. Maybe I'm just tired, maybe I'm just bitchy. Who knows but right now I feel as though not much in my life has a whole lot of purpose. I think I'm going to go to bed because I'm exausted and half of this is probably all spelt wrong due to that. I also feel as though I'm spinning and have a killer headache. Woot. I'll talk to you guys later or something. Bye.


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