Saturday, April 23, 2005

All Work And No Play...

So yes, my last entry got cut off a little bit by my lack of attention and tiredness. I thought that I'd update and let everyone know that really nothing is new. I've been working a lot...not really seeing much of anyone...I've seen Andrea a little bit, mostly for contact work..or doing errands, haven't really hungout. I've seen Tasha in little blurps, mostly when I'm working and we keep making plans or whatever but they don't end up working out. I haven't seen Megan in's Meagan M's birthday today and I won't get to see her either. I was hoping to go give her her present this morning but that didn't work out. She says she may come into town next weekend but I have to work anyways. I keep trying to get people together to hangout, like Terry and Jason and people but something always happens and I end up sitting at home. Lastnight, we were all supposed to hangout but Terry had to go to Kim's art show, I ended up going down to my room and putting Everything by Lifehouse on. I layed on my bed with my eyes closed, singing along and I just started crying. I couldn't help it. I don't know what's with me...I just feel so distant and lost. I want so badly to go to Full Circle so that I can atleast feel connected to something, most of you won't understand what I mean, but atleast Andrea or Tasha should...anyways...

Work's been kinda boring, the past two days I worked with all 3 of my bosses and no one else...umm what's been nice out and the only time I've been able to spend outside has been this morning cleaning my backyard and powerwashing my sundeck. Isn't that sad? Well since I once again keep zoning out, I'll write more later or something. Bye


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Megan said...

You saw me lastnight! You came to see me in my store! But I was closing so I kicked you out...because I'm mean.

Sorry about Monte Carlo night but I really just think I've got too much happening right now.


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