Monday, April 18, 2005

Day Off Of Doom

Well I worked again yesterday...big surprise was kinda boring, nothing really exciting happened I guess. Then I came home from work and I went over to Andrea's to see the construction that they're doing on the upstairs of her house. We ended up just chilling and talking about guys and such for a while, then we went and visited Tasha at work for a few minutes and grabbed some Mr. Misty's from DQ. Andy's step dad called and asked us to pick him up some McD's so we went over there and got his food. We listened to some extremely awesome music while doing all of this, I might add. We got back, I came back home, watched Revelations with my dad and it was a crazy was so cool yet creepy and weird at the same time. I'm looking forward to the next episode. It's weird how the show's supposed to be during current times...but it's like a modernization of different stories from the bible. There's also different quotes from the bible that come up and then later on in the show something happens that coinsides with the quote. It's so crazy, you should all watch it sometime.

After the show was over I went to bed and then I woke up this morning to slamming doors because my mom was mad that everyone else had slept in and weren't helping her I got up, helped clean...continued to help clean...before I knew it it was 4:00pm and I still had not done anything fun on my day off. I ended up not hanging out with Andrea like I was going to and I still haven't been able to make any plans for tonight. This may very well be a complete waste of a day off for me. I work again tomorrow, wednesday, thursday and friday, I luckily have the weekend off however so if any of you wanna do something let me know. Well I should go cause I'm making dinner and I don't wanna kill my lasagna. I'll ttyl bye bye


At 9:35 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

day off... OF DOOOOOOOM!


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