Sunday, April 24, 2005

Fun Was Had By All

The past two days have pretty much...well....completely rocked! Yes, I must admit, they had their bad moments but they were evened out by excessive amounts of fun. Now..for my explaination!

Yesterday began with helping my mom out with cleaning up our backyard and such...and then Crysta, Jason and I headed over to Terry's to go mini golfing, but he failed to appear. We discovered, after waiting in his driveway for about half an hour that he had gone to a movie with his father. I, in an attempt to pass the time, drew on Alastair's driveway with his daughter's sidewalk chalk. I wrote "Janelle was here + Terry was not" and found out tonight that he got my message mwhaha. Anyways...after that we headed to MGM, ate a bit of food, waited for Andrea to get off work, people showed up and that wasn't very happy but then we left and went and played on the playground at swyalana. Jason got kinda mad and then he went home and we went driving. We just drove around for like an hour, then stopped at MTM and got ice cream from Megan just as she was closing. We saw hot guys, tried to fallow them but Andrea made a wrong turn...then we went home.

Today, I woke up...called Andrea to make sure that she was up and then her, her sister and I headed to Church where we ran into Jason and listened to Hocus Pick, a pretty awesome Christian band. After Church was over, Phil came over to us to see if we knew where Tasha was because she was supposed to go to church with him and never showed up. We didn't know..and then he left. Then we went and walked around the mall, had some lunch....lost Jason and Chelsea in Shoppers Drug Mart...continued walking around the mall looking for them with no luck. Finally found Jason at about 2pm and he was really mad at him for "ditching" him...even though we didn't mean to. After that, we went our seperate ways, Jason went home, Andrea and I went to Tasha's and woke her up. Then we came home and Tasha came over a while later.

Tasha and I went back to the mall where we saw Meagan and Trevor and I got to give Meagan her B-Day present, even though Andrea wasn't there...she said that Andrea told her it was fine so I hope that Andrea's not mad. The mall was closing soon and Tasha and I were dying from heat exaustion so we came back home and had dinner. After dinner we headed to Full Circle where we sang some pretty awesome songs, saw Nathan and Denis and talked to Alastair for a few minutes. I bought a couple copies of the All Nighter DVD and I'm so stoked about watching it!

After Full Circle, we came and picked up my sister and went to Swyalana where we met up with Chelsea, Alex and Phil....yup that's right....Tash had called Alex and said that they should come if they wanted to and they actually did Phil who got Andrew to drop him off there. We all played on the playground for quite a while, walked around and then Crysta and Tasha played in the ocean. Phil tried to throw the logs in the water with little luck....they found a millapead or something, it was really creepy and nasty so Chelsea too a picture of it lol. Then, out of no where appeared Nathan and Denis once again and I accused them of stalking us lol They said that we were stalking them, but we were there first. They then proceeded to try and help throw logs in the ocean...and tell me how they wanted to go to MGM and spray paint Andrea's car hahah I told them that they should go and visit her that she was working late and might like the company. Once they left we went and played on the grass, well...I layed there and looked at the stars while Crysta and Tasha threw themselves down the hills, ran around in circles, fell down and got shoes thrown at them by Phil. Chelsea took lots of funny pictures and fun was had by all.

Chelsea and Alex had to go home so the four of us decided to go on a hunt for ice cream....we ended up at Boston Pizza where we got bread sticks, wings and Rolo Ice Cream Cake. MMMM MMMM good! Anyways...once Tasha's mouth was numb we all headed home and here I am now...sitting on my computer tiring my wrists typing this. I shall now head off to bed and talk to all yall tomorrow. Bye!


At 3:01 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

make that... THREE really awesome days in a row! woohoo!


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