Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Nothing New

Hmm so what's new...not a whole heck of a lot really. I'm kinda bored and tired at the moment, I had a nap all afternoon and I still feel beat. I was wanting to go to YL Floor Hockey this evening but I have no way to get there, my dad won't be home for a while yet and Andrea's not going. I'll probably just hangout here and watch some tv or something. American Idol's on tonight so I can watch someone's dreams be ruined. I meant to call Tasha this afternoon before she left for work but I ended up falling asleep instead, I feel kinda bad about that since I still haven't had a chance to talk to her since I found out where the heck she's been lately. Well there's YL tomorrow night and I actually have tomorrow off so I don't have to rush straight from work which is nice. Monte Carlo night is coming up in 3 weeks which is awesome and is going to be so much fun. Hmm well I should go, talk to all of you guys later. Bye bye lots of love from me to you.


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