Monday, April 11, 2005

I Just Don't Know What It Is...

Well I haven't updated in a while because my computer has been extremely retarded and I haven't been feeling too great. I got my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday, it's now Monday and they still hurt, but I have to suffer and go to work tomorrow anyways. I haven't been able to eat a whole lot really, mostly pudding and other non-solid foods like ice cream and Sorbet. My mom's making a roast beef dinner tonight so hopefully I'll be able to eat some of it and regain some of my strenght. The only friend that I've seen through all of this has been Andrea and I haven't seen her very much but atleast she's called to see how I'm doing. Shayna has also been really awesome and has asked how I'm doing. I talked to Megan lastnight for the first time in a while but she's been pretty preoccupied with all of her family being over for the weekend. Tasha on the other hand...still has not returned my emails or my calls and is still failing to answer the phone whenever I call. It's wonderful...I don't know if she's mad at me and I've spent the past week trying to figure out if I did something that could have caused her to not want to talk to me.

I've been having really strange dreams at night and I was blaming them on the T3's but I fell asleep on my couch this afternoon and had another one yet I haven't taken any T3's today. I dunno what it is...but they all involve the same people and basically have the same theme except that minor things are different, things like the setting and atmosphere. For the most part they all revolve around how much I miss a certain someone that hasn't been in my life for about a month or so now and I can't even figure out why I miss them. In one dream, I run into him in the mall, another we're sitting outside of a church talking, in another one I call him because my parents are in an accident and I need someone to stay with me, another we're at prom. I just don't get it...can someone please make them stop. Why do I miss him and why can't I stop missing him. Have I completely lost him forever? Is it my fault...*sigh* I just don't know what to do.

In other friends are dumb. No offense guys but not many of my friends have been making the greatest decisions lately and yes Andrea, this IS for the most part directed towards you and you know why lol. What is it with people and not considering the consequenses before they act? Am I just too cautious or are people just driven to try and rebel lately? Hmm so many questions and so few answers.

My sister gets back from Victoria tomorrow morning...woot, my quietness ends lol Atleast I won't be home for the transition stage. I also have a leader's meeting tomorrow night after I get home from work so I really won't be home much. Well there's not really anything else to talk about, so I'm going to stop typing before I completely wear out my wrist. I'll ttyl bye bye everyone.


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