Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Today's The Day

That's is the day. I get my wisdom teeth removed at 2:45 this afternoon and I'm not allowed to eat until then so I'll probably do a lot of sleeping today. I just woke up and I feel completely exausted. My entire body feels so weak that I don't even feel as though I'd be capable of walking even though I know I am. Ever had that feeling?

As for the friends situation, things are still really weird and I know that the conflict is bothering some people but I don't know what to do. I kinda like the way things are right now...they're calm and I actually have time to just relax and chill. Things are good with my family, I hangout with friends when I feel like it...mostly with Andrea which is always fun. Tasha's been..I dunno where and Megan's really busy but I understand. Shayna and I need to start hanging out sometime but I'm still not telling her where I work :P.

I'm missing my first staff meeting tonight because of my stupid teeth, it makes me really sad cause I know the meeting would be a lot of fun. They're getting pizza and with the people that I work with, I doubt that much really gets accomplished. We're not going to get into the topic of the people that I work with though lol ugh Andrea, help me hahaha.

Anyways...I went over to Caley's lastnight with her, Andrea and Hendsbee which was fun, we played games and stuff. I missed American Idol however, which made me very sad. I came home at about 9 and then watched tv with my family. Well that's about all for today, I must depart..I'll ttyl bye bye.


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Hey hey! Ok so yea I know I'm busy and it's dumb...and I wish I wasn't...but yea...
I wish I wasn't going to college next year. I really want to take a year off but my parents won't let me. It's so freaking dumb...I might just run away from home...*ugh*
Wouldn't it be rad if I took a year off? I could hang around and work and do cool things with you...and maybe travel with Nicole! That would be so rad...
Now I feel sad.
Family is coming tomorrow. Many. Russells...I'm going to die!


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