Saturday, April 02, 2005

*blank stare*

I'm at the point where I don't even want to talk to my friends anymore.

They're either being total ass holes, doing completely stupid shit or they don't give a shit about anything but themselves.

Right now I have about 5 people that I'd consider friends. 2 of these people live in Duncan, one I haven't seen in about two weeks because they're either working or hanging out with unnamed person that I don't want to be around. Another is busy with school and work and other friends and doesn't live close enough to just pop in or anything and the other lives extremely close, yet I feel like they're millions of miles away 3/4 of the time.

It seems as though SOMETHING is always more important than friendship. I've sat here playing Nintendo all day. I've been trying to get ahold of Tasha for about an hour now, without any luck. I get ahold of Andrea and she's just trying to have a nap because she spent the entire night awake, in Sooke...which is another thing that's bothering me. Yes, I understand that people want to see Wes, but do they not realize that he's REALLY never going to come to Nanaimo to visit if he knows damn well that if he waits long enough everyone will just give in and go there instead? Come on now...why would he put out the money to bus up here, if he can just wait a couple weeks and everyone else will waste their gas money to go there.

My three days off. Friday was spent going to the doctors with Andrea so that I could finally get the last of my blood tests which happened to be for HIV, Hep C and something else I don't even know. We then went to Burger King and then picked up her sis and Natalie. Drove Natalie home...drove Chelsea to her grandparent's in Errington, I got dropped off, Andrea went to get Caley and go to work. I spent the evening at the SPCA helping set up for today's garage sale, I froze my ass off so I ended up sitting in my truck for a while. I called Tasha on my cell and she told me to call her after 1 so that we could do something today. As I stated previously, I still haven't managed to get ahold of her and now it seems as though her cell phone is turned off.

Today...sat in my PJ's, talked to Meagan for a while...found out that she came into town yesterday and I didn't get to see her...she went to MGM for dinner and ran into Alex, Chelsea and Jesslyn....Caley and Andrea were both working so they all hungout. I hungup from Meagan, continued playing some more Nintendo....began attempting to phone Tasha, gave up...called Andrea...found out about their night lastnight....and now I'm sitting here. Woot this is fun.

Tomorrow morning I'll probably be going to my grandparent's...I want to go to church but I need to talk to my cousin about Rockridge...and I don't think there'd be another chance for a while.

I really hope that these blood test results come back soon and that maybe they provide some answers and if not, that my doctor can figure out what's going on. I go to get my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday...may or may not go to YL on thursday, depends on how much pain I'm in. Well I should probably go, maybe I'll have a nap or something. bye.


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Hey, guess who's coming to stay with me? I'll give you hint or two...

He's related to me
You think he's hot
I find you disturbing for the above hint

If you can't figure it out you are shunned...or I'll just tell you.

Love ya, kiddo.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Well I kinda forgot to mention in the above comment when and for how long he's coming over and so's not to make you think he's going to be living with us...he's coming over next weekend on Friday and staying till Sunday.

I'll to you later...this is confusing my head!


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