Friday, April 01, 2005

A Mixture Of Madness! (The Crazy Kinda, Not The Angry Kind)

Well it's been a little while since I last updated, not too much excitingness has happened. I've been working...not working...going to YL related things and hanging out with my family and such. I went to the movies with Andrea, Terry and Jason on tuesday night after our leaders meeting, that was pretty fun. That same night, before we left Andrea decided to tell her parents about wanting to go to Australia and they had a complete fit and ended up lecturing us for an hour about how it's the worst decision we could ever make and how it would completely ruin our lives forever....

Lastnight was YL club and it went awesomely, it was hillarious and tonnes of fun. McDonalds after words was....interesting....but we're not going to get into that. After McDonalds we all drove everyone home and then the leaders, with the addition of Caley and Jesslyn all went to Boston Pizza for dessert and such. It was definately amusing, would have been more so if they'd actually ordered the pitcher of beer rather than just talking about it. Kim decided that she wants to be come a cannible lol I don't even remember where that came from...there was many debates about christianity and the biology behind a person getting pregnant...Steven had to draw Caley and Andrea a diagram to help them understand lol. Just as we were leaving, Hayley (another leader who's always "too busy" to go to club or anything) showed up on a date with mine, Andrea and Caley's dream guy...that made us pretty bitter. For any of you who don't know who I'm talking about, he's the really freaking sexy drummer from Full Circle and Church. Man I love that guy.

Well that's about all folks, I dunno what I'm doing today but I may update with more details later on. Bye bye!


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