Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Evil Virus Monsters

Wow...I like never post on here anymore...crazy. Well, since I'm just kinda sitting here with nothing else to do, I might as well write something! Things have been the same as normal lately...I'm rather sick right now but finally starting to get better. My antibiotics are kicking in. Haha ok so I got an account on Nexopia and I don't use it much but I must say it is very good for the ego...I quite enjoy the random comments from guys saying "Hey, you're so pretty and you seem really nice, we should talk sometime" or the one that I just received a few minutes ago saying "hey, I just had to tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous!" lol oh boys...they make me laugh, good for the ego...also quite entertaining. In other news..YL has started back up...we've had a leader's meeting and the leaders are all doing this Survivor thing which I may have to miss tomorrow night due to illness :( I also had to miss contact work with Holly and Andrea today...and will probably be missing it with Holly at Dover tomorrow it makes me really sad...cause all I can do is sit around and watch one visit's me..I just hangout with my sister and Sam which can be rather fun. Like lastnight. Lol they were so hyper...and my dad had a friend over so the three of us went downstairs and I layed on the sofa bed while Crysta and Sam danced around like idiots and entertained me. It was good times. They made me dance a little and then I coughed so I had to stop. I love Flintstones's true, I do. I got my dad to buy me some the other day and they're oh so tasty! I personally enjoy the pink ones the best. So yes, this is my life as of late lol not so exciting..oh but it will be, yes it will...just as soon as my body stops being invaded by evil virus monsters! I must depart, ta ta for now.


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