Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Contents Of My Mind...Censored. Ask Me For The Unplugged Version.

I guess that I'm just about due for an update even though not much has really happened around here lately. On Saturday I went to Praise At The Park down at Swyalana with Andrea's family...it was really good but kinda weird hanging out with her family. Afterwords I went and babysat for a coworker of Katrina's and the baby was really sweet but I don't think I really wanna babysit for them again...it's way out in Cedar and I just didn't really feel very comfortable for various reasons. I got home at about midnight and then went to bed. On Sunday I got up early which meant only about 7 hours of sleep.

My dad, sister and I left for my grandparent's house at about 9:30 and then spent several hours cleaning their house for them. I dusted, vacuumed, helped my dad wash their car and then cleaned out their garage. I swear they have the biggest spiders I have ever seen in there. So, basically I made some mulla to go to the VIEX on friday with Andrea and I dunno who else will end up going. After visiting with my grandparents we headed to Duncan where we went with Sam to Meagan and Trevor's appartment for a visit and to see baby Malachi Jim David Richardson. He's 8 pounds 10 ounces and absolutely beautiful. I got to half assedly hold him lol.

As for yesterday I just hungout at home and did nothing...I was pretty sick all day so I slept a lot, then Andrea came over for a bit in the evening and lent me a couple romance novels lol we also had a really good chat about guys and shit which was nice. Today I did nothing as well, although feeling quite a bit better, I still didn't feel like doing anything. That basically sums up my past four days...I read one of the novels from Andrea today and I plan on reading the other tomorrow since I'll be home alone all day.

On another topic, I've been having really fucked up dreams again lately and I dunno what's causing them but something about them keeps making me really think about certain events, certain people and I just dunno what to think of them. There's one in specific that I'm not going to explain but it's still really bothering me, it's like it's just sitting there in my mind and not going away. You know which one that is Andrea..help me! This isn't good. Actually it's really bad. Hopefully I'll get a peaceful, undisturbed sleep tonight cause that would be great. Well that's all folks, later days.


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