Thursday, March 24, 2005

So Many Tests...& Not The Ones I'm Good At...

Well..I went to the Oral Surgeon this morning and I have an appointment for April 6th..woot. Then I went to my work with my mom and we bought 2 cell phones, one for me and one for her and my sister to share. My boss had the new schedule up and I had been scheduled for Monday so I asked her if there was any way that someone else might be able to work that shift cause she had told me that I'd be able to have it off. She said ok, that she'd figure something out and then we left. She seemed kinda mad or something after that and I hope she wasn't mad at me.

So ya, after that we went and got the phones activated and then went home. Then, I went out for lunch with my mom and sister and then they dropped me off for my other Dr's appointment. I got a prescription for my sinus' and I have to get them x-rayed in about 3 weeks after I get my wisdom teeth out. I then had to get some blood tests done and I have to have more done of tuesday...they're testing me for Mono, diabeties, thyroid, HIV and Aids...they're basically just precautions but it still kinda worries me. I had to go to the appointment and blood test by myself cause my mom had to go to Comox and my dad couldn't get out of work in time.

After getting the blood tests I called Tasha and then my dad picked me up. Since then I've been sitting at home by myself not really doing anything. Talked to Sam on the phone for a bit till I my phone started dying. I'm waiting for Tasha to call me back and for my dad to get home so that we can figure out what we're going to do about dinner.

The Full Circle All Nighter is this Sunday night which I'm totally stoked about! It's going to be awesome!! Hopefully my boss isn't mad that I had to remind her about having the Monday off...and hopefully she'll be able to cover that shift...I feel really bad! Hmm well I should probably go, Tasha called me and she'll be over in a little while. Talk to ya'll later. Bye!


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